Today was a very special day in Macie's life. She got to meet her Aunt Allie for the first time. My sister is home for good from Iraq...yay!! My parents called all of our family and many of them were able to meet her at the armory when she came in the van. It was awesome and very exciting to think that we never have to do this again! At first, Allie didn't know what to do with Macie, but she warmed up to her as the night went on. Allie is great with kids, but once they are mobile...she doesn't do babies.
My cousin's son, Chase, was decked out waiting for her to get there.
Of course my mom was the first of many to give Allie a hug.

Allie had to peek under the blanket to check out Macie.

After a big group of us went out to eat, we headed back to my parents house so that it could be just out immediate family. Allie actually held Macie for a long time. This was a big deal. People were taking bets as to how long it would be before she held Macie, but it didn't take long! She kept staring at her and checking her out. It was an awesome moment. Our whole family was in the same room and that hasn't happened in a long time!

When Allie was in Iraq, she sent Macie a birthday card letting her know that she was the "fun" aunt. The one who would let her jump on the furniture, eat ice cream for breakfast and stay up all night as long as she didn't tell her parents. I am sure that they will do all of the above and much more once Macie is mobile!