Start: November 30, 2015
End: August 27, 2018
Crossed Out Items are Completed!
*Items that were not completed from last list
1. Paint Stairwell
2. Clean Out Garage
3. Fireplace Insert
4. Finish Gavin's Room
5. Clean out Backyard
6. Figure out solution for parking
7. Get 6 months ahead on mortgage payments
8. Visit 10 new places in Indiana
9. Visit 10 new wineries
10. Visit 10 new places in Kentucky
11. Visit Kristin
12. Visit John and Erin
13. Plan Disney Trip booked for September 2017
14. Go to a Beach
15. Lose 50 Pounds
16. Spend a whole day scrapbooking*
17. Finish all of kids' 1st Year Scrapbooks* (0/6)
18. Send my future self a letter*
18. Write a book
19. Write a poem about each child* (0/3)
20. Organize online recipes on Abbie's Kitchen Blog* (No longer plan to do this)
21. Catch up on blog
22. Blog every day for a month
23. Read 10 Books (10/10)
24. Sign kids up for swim lessons*
25. Get Bees
26. Go on 101 dates with Brian
27. Have a Homeschool Open House
28. Make a list of all of Gavin's procedures
29. Camp in our Backyard
30. Spend a night in a Cabin
31. Visit an Aquarium
32. Go to Dinosaur World
33. Go to 3 new zoos
34. Volunteer 101 hours (10/101)
35. Take Lilah to the American Girl Store
36. Take the kids to an Aces Men's Basketball Game
37. Have a family water fight
38. Get genetic testing for Gavin
39. Take the kids to a play
40. Take kids to Brown County
41. Take the kids to a pumpkin patch
42. Go bowling as a family
43. Have ice cream for dinner
44. Let the kids paint themselves with pudding
45. Have a family tea party
46. Memorize 26 Bible verses (26/26)
47. Take the kids fishing
48. Go for a ride on a boat
49. Take the kids to Holiday World
50. Make a family time capsule
51. Take the kids to a parade
52. Take the kids to a college football game
53. Take Macie to a soccer game
54. Cook 5 internationally cuisine themed meals using new recipes (0/5)
55. Do a 5k as a family
56. Teach the kids emergency plans (fire, etc)
57. Take kids putt-putting
58. Create a family mission statement
59. Take cookies and cards to a fire station
60. Write and send out a Christmas letter
61. Take a cooking class
62. Visit the St. Louis City Museum
63. Have a "Chopped" Party
64. Have a "Minute to win it" Party
65. Go on a Cousin's Trip
66. Go on a trip with just Brian
67. Fly kites with the kids
68. Have a fondue night
69. Go to the Melting Pot
70. Teach kids some conversational Spanish
71. Teach kids sign language
72. Create better routine for laundry and dishes
73. Clean out game closet
74. Star Gazing as a family
75. Cloud watching as a family
76. Host a game night
77. Get an eye exam
78. Do a Travelling Dinner
79. Get my wedding ring cleaned
80. Make a Chocolate Holiday House
81. Make sock puppets
82. Paint canvases with the kids*
83. Make 10 new recipes using my cookbooks
84. Read Charlotte's Web to the kids
85. Read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to the kids
86. Make first communion dress out of my wedding dress (No longer plan to do this)
87. Prepare Macie and Gavin for First Reconciliation (2/2)
88. Prepare Macie and Gavin for First Communion (2/2)
89. Go to confession
90. Go on 101 walks or runs
91. Watch a new TV series from start to finish
92. Find 5 new uses for Essential Oils
93. Do 5 things with Brian neither of us have ever done (5/5)
94. Build a true emergency fund
95. Get
my side and Brian's side family pictures
96. Go "Tech" free for 24 hours
97. Eat from a food truck
98. Go to Patoka with my Dad
99. Take kids to feed the ducks
100. Take kids to the Demolition Derby
101. Make a new 101 in 1001 list on August 27, 2018
Start: March 4, 2013
End: November 30, 2015
Crossed out items are completed!
1. Complete Bible Challenge
2. Pay off all Student Loans (7/7)
3. Take a hike in the woods
4. Spend a whole day scrapbooking
5. Take a trip with just Brian
6. Attend Marriage Encounter Weekend
7. Have a family picnic
8. Lose 10 pounds
9. Eat at a restaurant I've never been to
10. Try a new food
11. Do yoga 10 times (10/10)
12. Make treats for neighbors
13. Visit a new state
14. Make 25 new recipes (25/25)
15. Clean out "jungle" in backyard
16. Organize craft closet moved so cleaned it out
17. Have a yard sale
18. Have 5 date nights (5/5)
19. Visit a new zoo
20. See a movie at the drive-in
21. Visit 3 wineries (3/3)
22. Donate $101 to charity (101+/101)
23. Go Camping (Cabin)
24. Read 3 books (3/3)
25. Send my future self a letter
26. Write each child a letter (3/3)
27. Write a love letter to Brian
28. Pay for some one's meal
29. Organize online recipes on Abbie's Kitchen Blog
30. Take a cooking class
31. Sleep in until noon (or close enough)
32. Play in the rain
33. Dance with Brian in the living room
34. Surprise Brian with candlelit dinner
35. Do 5 random acts of kindness (5/5)
36. Spend the whole day with Macie
37. Spend the whole day with Gavin
38. Spend the whole day with Lilah
39. Catch up on kids' First Year Scrapbooks (0/6)
40. Send 10 people cards for no reason (0/10)
41. Go to a comedy club
42. Get my wedding ring re sized
43. Go to a Colt's game
44. Have a lemonade stand with kids
45. Camp out in backyard
46. Have a slumber party in our living room
47. Host 6 backyard cookouts (6/6)
48. Host a big play date
49. Keep our nephew overnight
50. Paint pottery with kids
51. Paint canvas with kids
52. Have shape week with kids
53. Have animal week with kids
54. Have 10 game nights (10/10)
55. Have 10 movie nights (10/10)
56. Lay under the stars with Brian
57. Eat breakfast in bed
58. Take nap with kids
59. Watch last Twilight movie
60. Put 10 notes in kids' lunches (20/20)
61. Put 10 notes in Brian's lunch (8/10)
62. Take 3 day trips (3/3)
63. Hang Lilah's remote pictures and wrap
64. Shop at a new store
65. Buy outfit for me without feeling guilty
66. Walk in a charity walk
67. Take kids to the arch in St. Louis (as close as we could get with construction)
68. Workout with Brian 5 times at home at gym (5/5)
69. Pave driveway
70. Write poem about each child (0/3)
71. Visit all Great-Grandparents just because (4/4)
72. Buy a new computer
73. Complete Mitchell Family Values
74. Sign up kids for swim lessons
75. Go to a movie
76. Visit an aquarium
77. Buy wine at Winestyles
78. Take kids to library programs (3/3)
79. Renew teaching license (not teaching anymore)
80. Get CPR certified
81. Pray the rosary with Brian
82. Reach 2000th blog post (2000/2000)
83. Stay in a hotel
84. Take kids to see fireworks
85. Catch lightning bugs with kids
86. Try 5 new ways to save money (5/5)
87. Potty train Gavin
88. Go to dinner with just my mom
89. Make m&m clips to hang kids artwork
90. Buy new stockings for family
91. Take pictures of something other than family
92. Take kids to pumpkin patch
93. Pick fruit from a field/orchard
94. Go to a Farmer's market
95. Visit all sister/sister in-laws' houses (4/4)
96. Have a wii night with kids
97. Do a DIY project and blog about it
98. Post something on Pinterest
99. Take dinner to someone
100. Do a service project with kids
101. Make a new 101 list on November 30, 2015
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