Today Macie got to go Trick or Treating for the first time! She went to Sturgis and visited Uncle John at work and Grammie and Pops. Then, we headed to Darmstadt to visit Aunt Julie, Uncle Alan, Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Gary. Our final stop of the night was Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grams B and Aunt Allie were there too! Even though we didn't go that many places, Macie got so many goodies and had a great day! Happy Halloween to all!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
25 1/2 Weeks
It is hard to believe that I am already 25 1/2 weeks pregnant! I am almost done with the second trimester....holy cow! Gavin is very active and I am up about every 1 1/2 to 2 hours at night using the restroom. I am also very achy and tired. It is much worse this time, but I know it has to do with the fact that I am taking care of Macie. Plus, at this stage last time, I was on summer vacation so I wasn't working. Here are some updated pictures.

Car Rides Bite!
Our little Macie just doesn't like the car. She never really has and it is a rare treat if we can make it from point A to point B without a single tear. This is especially not good if we are driving to and from Sturgis. Today was no exception. We turned her seat around in the hopes that it would make a difference. Well...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Macie made a Halloween card for us at Grammie's today! It is a ghost using her footprint! She also made one for Grammie and Pops and my parents. What a nice surprise!
Our little pumpkin sure is sweet!
Our little pumpkin sure is sweet!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
12 Month Pictures
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
12 Month Checkup
Today, I met Macie and my mom at the doctor's office for her 12 month checkup and shots. Here are the stats: Macie is now 29 1/2 inches (60th percentile) which means she has grown 9 1/2 inches in the first year and now weighs 21 pounds 3 ounces (50th percentile) which means she has gained 13 pounds 9 ounces in the first year!
Dr. Voyles was happy to hear that Macie is no longer taking formula in a bottle and that she is walking. He asked how she was sleeping and I laughed. I said that teething was really screwing us up. He didn't act too concerned, but then when he felt in her mouth, he said, "Wow! She has teeth popping in all over the place!!"
Overall, it was a good visit, until the shots that is, but it was kind of funny because Macie was in awe of Dr. Voyles. She was so quiet and just kept staring at him. She was soo good and let him check her out. Thankfully, we got a good report....a happy, healthy little girl!!
A high point in the visit for me was when I went to check out and they said that I somehow had a $60 credit on the account and didn't have to pay my copay. Chaching!!!
I was also thankful that I had a chance to talk to Dr. Voyles about Gavin and circumcisions. I didn't know if he did that or how that worked so I was happy to know that he will actually be the one to do it when our little guy arrives. Macie is due for her next appointment about the same week that I will be having my c-section, so that will be interesting!
Dr. Voyles was happy to hear that Macie is no longer taking formula in a bottle and that she is walking. He asked how she was sleeping and I laughed. I said that teething was really screwing us up. He didn't act too concerned, but then when he felt in her mouth, he said, "Wow! She has teeth popping in all over the place!!"
Overall, it was a good visit, until the shots that is, but it was kind of funny because Macie was in awe of Dr. Voyles. She was so quiet and just kept staring at him. She was soo good and let him check her out. Thankfully, we got a good report....a happy, healthy little girl!!
A high point in the visit for me was when I went to check out and they said that I somehow had a $60 credit on the account and didn't have to pay my copay. Chaching!!!
I was also thankful that I had a chance to talk to Dr. Voyles about Gavin and circumcisions. I didn't know if he did that or how that worked so I was happy to know that he will actually be the one to do it when our little guy arrives. Macie is due for her next appointment about the same week that I will be having my c-section, so that will be interesting!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Cole's Wedding
Today, Brian was an usher in his friend, Brandon Cole's, wedding. They had an outdoor wedding at Burdette park. The setting was beautiful because the leaves had all changed color. It was a little chilly and the wedding started late, but it ended up being a nice evening. Luckily, Brian was able to sit with us during the wedding to help keep Macie occupied and Uncle Kenny kept Macie entertained before the ceremony started. Congrats Mr. and Mrs. Cole!
My chances for Mother of the Year just went flying out the window...
Macie locked herself in the car....yes you read that correctly, MY ONE YEAR OLD LOCKED HERSELF IN MY CAR!!! I went to pick her up from Grammie and Pops' house yesterday, like I do every Friday afternoon. When I was carrying her out, she wanted my keys and I let her hold them. I usually try to keep them away from her, because not only are the keys disgusting and I don't want her to chew on them, but she typically sets off the alarm by pushing the button. So anyway, we are loading her into the car seat and Grammie puts her bags in the car. I throw the keys in the front seat, not realizing that at some point she must have hit the lock button so all the doors are locked. Grammie and I both shut our doors at the same time and I try to open my door to get in. I very quickly realized that the door was locked and my baby was in there all by herself. Of course my cell phone was in the car too, but thankfully Grammie was able to call Brian. He is 35 minutes away, which seems like an eternity when your precious little girl is screaming because she is in a car all by herself. Granted, she never really likes the car, so she could have been screaming even if I was in there too, but that is besides the point! I had to hide so Macie couldn't see me because every time she did she would scream harder. Grammie and many neighbors tried to make Macie happier by talking to her thru the window, showing her a puppy, making silly faces...anything! The thing that really upset us was that we called the local police department for help and they said they don't unlock cars for people anymore due to some law. Now, I can see if I locked my keys in the car and just didn't want to pay for someone to come fix it, fine, but for God's sake there was a child in the car! Don't you think they should have cared a little bit more. There was company who said they would do it for free after 5 (it was 4:20 or so) or they could come and do it for a fee of $30 something dollars....but by the time they would get there, Brian would be there so it didn't make sense. By the time Brian got there, Macie was beside herself and whimpered for quite a while when I was holding her. Even though it was an awful situation, there are some things to be thankful for: 1. we were at my in-law's house so they were able to help and had a phone to call Brian 2. it was a cool day and not hot 3. Macie wasn't hurt in anyway 4. Macie will never remember this, even though I will never forget it!
By the way, Macie will no longer be carrying or holding my keys and I by no means think I will ever be "Mother of the Year"!
By the way, Macie will no longer be carrying or holding my keys and I by no means think I will ever be "Mother of the Year"!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
New PJ's and Walking Everywhere!
Tonight when we were at Target, we found Macie some new pj's. She looks absolutely adorable in them! Below you can also see some video of Macie walking. She is all over the place. They ended up a bit darker than I hoped, but they will have to do!
First Grade Funny
Yesterday at school, one of the little girls in my class said, "I can see your baby is getting bigger." The little girl next to her says, "I just think you need to have that thing already!"
I told them I still have a long way to go! I am 24 weeks coming soon of my rapidly growing belly!
I told them I still have a long way to go! I am 24 weeks coming soon of my rapidly growing belly!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
We Survived!!!
Today we took another stab at going to church. We have been on a little hiatus lately because every time we try to go, Macie would scream or cause a big scene. It doesn't exactly look so good for the teacher's child to be the one acting horribly during Mass! Well, today was a complete success. Macie was SOOOO good! She loved the music and people watching. The cheerios, milk, and books helped too! Hopefully, this is a new trend because we really want her to go to Mass with us. I'm also thrilled that we were able to go to the 10:30 Mass which is my favorite. We will see how next week goes...pray for us!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
12 Month Highlights
I haven't taken Macie's final duck pictures because Allie is going to take some when she takes Macie's one year pictures next Saturday. I still wanted to share what she is doing or has done in the last month.
- Macie started walking!! She is taking 5 to 10 steps at a time and rarely crawls anymore. She will fall, pull herself back up and take off walking again. When she holds on to your finger, she is practically running. It will just be a matter of time before she is officially a walker!
- Her 5th tooth popped thru and some of her molars are working on coming thru as we speak. A tiny corner has popped thru on the bottom. We have had a lot of sleepless nights and an unhappy Macie at times. I'll be happy when this stage is over, but I know we still have a long road ahead. Teething tablets are our friend!!!
- She says a few words which she has been saying for a while. She says "dada" and calls me either "nana" or "mama". She will sometimes say "uh oh" and has said "down" and "up" several times. She understands so much of what you are saying it is unbelievable.
- She is no longer taking a bottle with formula and doesn't really seem to miss it. She has been doing a great job with her sippy cups and gets better and better everyday. She is drinking more and more milk, which makes me very happy. She has decided, though, that she doesn't like some of the veggies that she has been eating for a long time, so mealtime can be frustrating. However, she is always trying new foods and eating more of what we eat all the time which can be very convenient.
- She still loves books and being read to and will point to things in the book she wants you to talk about. Every night when she is playing with her toys, she discovers something new. It is so much fun to watch her figure things out and explore the world!
- If she sees someone eating or is hungry, she will start smacking her lips. Such a cute little beggar!
- As always, she remains the center of our world and I can't imagine life without our little girl!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
First Tub Bath
Tonight Macie got her first tub bath. We usually give her a bath in the kitchen sink but I was in a hurry and didn't have time to clean it properly first. Macie was a little skeptical at first, but then she loved it. I was a nervous wreck because she is still so small and looked tiny in the tub. Her toys kept floating away and she would dive for them and give me a heart attack. I will definitely go back to baths in the kitchen sink for now, especially since my belly is rapidly growing and I can't imagine it will be very comfortable bending over the tub much longer. While I was giving her a bath, I did have visions of the future with two little ones in the tub. Something to look forward to, but I am in no hurry to get there!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Happy Birthday Macie!
Today is Macie's actual birthday. Macie has had a very busy day. She started out the day by cuddling with Daddy this morning. Then, we went to my parent's house and she got to stay with Grandpa and Aunt Annie because Grandma had to work. After school, I picked her up and we went to get a strawberry banana milkshake from Sonic. She ate probably half of it herself. She was a little crabby because her gums are swollen where her molars are going to come through and I think the cold ice cream felt good on her gums. We ordered Greek's pizza and bread sticks for dinner and Macie scarfed down a whole bread stick and wanted more.
After that we went to Walmart to pick up a few things and Macie's birthday present. Unfortunately, it wasn't a very successful trip and I will have to go searching for some pjs for her somewhere else. Our last plan for the day was to open Macie's gift from my parents. They got her a bounce and spin pony that has a wireless connection to the tv. It is kind of like her first video game. Brian had to run back out and get some batteries, but we finally got the thing up and running. We ended the night cuddling and reading books. It has a hectic and busy day, but overall a good one. Our little girl is officially one!
After that we went to Walmart to pick up a few things and Macie's birthday present. Unfortunately, it wasn't a very successful trip and I will have to go searching for some pjs for her somewhere else. Our last plan for the day was to open Macie's gift from my parents. They got her a bounce and spin pony that has a wireless connection to the tv. It is kind of like her first video game. Brian had to run back out and get some batteries, but we finally got the thing up and running. We ended the night cuddling and reading books. It has a hectic and busy day, but overall a good one. Our little girl is officially one!
Dear Macie
Dear Macie,
I can hardly believe that your first birthday is here! The last year with you has been the best year of my life! You gave me the title of Mommy and I will always be grateful to you for that! Your smile, your hugs and kisses, and watching you discover the world are just a few of the things that keep me going each and every day. I have so many hopes and dreams for your future. I hope you grow up to be a loving and caring little girl who makes a difference in this world. I hope that you are able to find out who you are and that your dreams come true. I hope that you meet someone like your daddy to share your life with. Most of all, I hope that you are happy in life, whatever that means for you!
I look forward to each and every day with you. Let the adventures of life continue...
I love you always and forever,
I can hardly believe that your first birthday is here! The last year with you has been the best year of my life! You gave me the title of Mommy and I will always be grateful to you for that! Your smile, your hugs and kisses, and watching you discover the world are just a few of the things that keep me going each and every day. I have so many hopes and dreams for your future. I hope you grow up to be a loving and caring little girl who makes a difference in this world. I hope that you are able to find out who you are and that your dreams come true. I hope that you meet someone like your daddy to share your life with. Most of all, I hope that you are happy in life, whatever that means for you!
I look forward to each and every day with you. Let the adventures of life continue...
I love you always and forever,
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Macie's Last Bottle
Bailey's 4th Birthday
Today, we celebrated Bailey's 4th birthday. His birthday is actually the day before Macie's. It was kind of weird for me because last year they had his party a week after his birthday and it was Macie's first outing. Wow....a year makes a big difference! Bailey had another train themed birthday. I am blamed for starting his obsession, but I am just glad that something we got him for his 2nd birthday is what he still loves! Macie and I went by ourselves because Brian started getting sick during Macie's party yesterday and he needed to rest today.
After the party, Macie and I went to my parent's house for dinner. Allie was there and Annie is in town. They love spending time with Macie so it is a nice break for me!
After the party, Macie and I went to my parent's house for dinner. Allie was there and Annie is in town. They love spending time with Macie so it is a nice break for me!
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