I'm afraid if I don't write down some of the things
Macie is up to, I will forget! She is just so busy and is always learning something new. She amazes us!
Macie's vocabulary seems to be expanding every day! Here are some of the things she says now: Dada
Nana or mama
no no
Oh (when she bops down or falls on purpose)
Uh Oh
OwwPap (pacifier)
Cacr (cracker)
dipa (diaper)
papa (grandpa and pops)
bubu (bye bye)
lo (hello)
nana (banana)
She also signs for more.
She now sings along with the theme song to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. When she pushes the button on her toy, she starts dancing and saying, "
ba ba ba,
ba ba ba ba". It is hilarious!
She has started walking backwards and "showing off" to get a reaction from people.
She plays hide and seek and sometimes walks around the house with her burp cloth over her eyes. She has run into the wall more than once!
You can ask her to take something to someone and she will. She is also getting good at bringing stuff to you. This may come in handy when Gavin comes.
She tries to carry heavy things around and grunts as she is doing it.
She points to every picture or object around and wants you to take her to it and talk about each thing.
She has at least 10 teeth but more seem to be popping
thru every day!
She growls at toys or people when she is unhappy.
I'm sure that I haven't mentioned something, but I just can't possibly remember it all!