Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Mommy's Green Lemonade
We ate dinner at Hacienda. I ordered a margarita to share with Brian. I've been craving one so badly, but I knew that I shouldn't drink the whole thing because it doesn't take much anymore! Macie said, "Mommy's drink. Mommy's green lemondade." I have to say it was one good lemonade!
What a trip!
Macie cracks me up! Yesterday during nap, Macie started crying out, "I gotta pooop!" I let her get up and sure enough she had to go. While she was sitting on the toilet, I noticed that she had pulled her hair out. I said, "Macie, did you pull your hair out?" Without any hesitation and a big smile on her face she said, "I did...purpose!"
Then tonight, I was trying to pack the bag and Macie was crying non stop. I said, "Macie, why are you crying?" She said, "ummm....no reason". Where does she come up with this stuff? What a trip!
Then tonight, I was trying to pack the bag and Macie was crying non stop. I said, "Macie, why are you crying?" She said, "ummm....no reason". Where does she come up with this stuff? What a trip!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Boyles Women
After nap, Macie and I went out to my aunt and uncle's house. Gavin was feeling a bit under the weather and he was flat exhausted. Brian stayed home with him so Macie and I could visit with family. This is always a fun day because there are no gifts, just family, food, and fun! Macie had a blast playing with her cousins and running around like a crazy person. She was a bit of a handful to be honest! When we were there, I pointed out the fact that all of the Boyles women (Mom, Allie, Annie, Macie and I) were there and we should get a picture. It turned out a bit blurry, but it will have to do!
Out with the Old and In with the New
The kids got so much stuff for Christmas that I knew it was time to clean out their toys and get rid of some things. I'd planned on doing that one day this week when I sent the kids to daycare, but when I woke up yesterday morning and looked around, I changed my mind! Our house was a complete disaster with bags, boxes, toys, and presents everywhere! I started opening every toy so that Brian could get all of the trash out front. Then, I just started cleaning everything out and reorganizing. We ended up getting rid of three trash bags and a box of toys to donate. It feels so good to have control of our house again! Our Christmas decorations are still up, but I'll tackle that another day. Besides the toys, I hung up some pictures of Gavin in our kitchen using the new frames my parents got me and Brian went to Walmart to get a new wii game. Even though I'm happy I cleaned out all of the toys, I know that Gavin's birthday is about a month away and we will be getting more stuff. Hopefully, he will get clothes instead of toys!
Boyles Christmas
After my parents' house, we went to my aunt and uncle's house to celebrate Christmas with my dad's side of the family. This was the most hectic and stressful of all of the places for me. Gavin was SO tired, but he wouldn't nap. Even though he was still very good, he wanted to be held more and kept rubbing his eyes. Macie had a diva meltdown moment during gifts. I think there were just too many people in her face and she freaked! I grabbed her up, took her in the other room, and had a talk with her. I told her that she wasn't being very nice to Grandma who brought her a present and that if she wanted to stay, she needed to be nice. Once she stopped crying, she told me she was upset because "Mommy Daddy opened my present" (we were trying to help her). She calmed down, told Grandma sorry, and opened all of her presents no problem. It had just been too many long days I think! Brian and I got Hacienda gift cards from Grams B. and I ended up with an Olive Garden gift card in our gift exchange. Brian got some whiskey which he was happy about. I love visiting with my family, but by 8:00 I was beyond ready to go home!
Overall, the Mitchell family had a wonderful Christmas! We are very blessed! Brian and I have lots of gift cards that we get to spend and our kiddos have enough toys for a daycare center! Gavin's first Christmas was long, but I couldn't ask for a better baby! I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas!
Overall, the Mitchell family had a wonderful Christmas! We are very blessed! Brian and I have lots of gift cards that we get to spend and our kiddos have enough toys for a daycare center! Gavin's first Christmas was long, but I couldn't ask for a better baby! I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Christmas with My Family
We got to my parents' house a little after 10. We opened presents first and once again our family was spoiled rotten! Macie was a bit of a stink and overwhelmed but everything worked out. The kids got too many gifts to mention them all, but some favorites were Macie's shopping cart and sit n' spin and Gavin's ball popper and flannel shirt. We had a great time opening gifts and then we ate lunch. Mom made some chicken soup and Brian baked bread. It was a nice, comforting lunch! After lunch, Macie and Gavin napped while we all hung out until it was time to go to my Dad's side. I'm so glad that we were able to all be together and relax for a bit instead of having to rush off to the next place!

Christmas Morning
Christmas morning, both kiddos woke up bright and early ready to go! Macie was feeling much better and couldn't wait to see what Santa brought her! She was so excited that Santa ate the cookies and drank the milk! We made her wait to open presents until after breakfast. I have to say that she did a great job waiting! She passed the time coloring at the kitchen table. Brian made a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage (turkey and deer), and biscuits. Before we left the table, Brian read the Christmas story from the Bible. Then, it was present time! Once again, Macie took forever and was overwhelmed. We had to help her quite a bit. Macie got to open her presents from the night before. Mommy and Daddy got Macie and Gavin a cinch sac with their names on it. Macie and Gavin got each other two Mickey/Minnie board books. Santa brought Macie an Elmo doodle pad, play dough ice cream set, and two Dora dvds. He brought Gavin an Elmo doodle pad, stacking robot, and two dvds (Little Bear and Happy Feet). He also brought them foam alphabet letters that make a mat on the floor. Macie and Gavin got Mommy and Daddy each a new pair of shoes. Santa brought us a gps. Brian's been wanting one forever and we figured it would come in a handy when we traveled to Florida! After presents, we relaxed in our pjs and played for a while until it was time to get ready to go to my parents' house.

Santa Cookies and Key
Because we don't have a chimney, we have a special key so Santa can get in our house. Macie left it outside on the windowsill for him to find. While Gavin and I were gone, Macie and Daddy set out some cookies, chocolate milk, and wrote a note to Santa. He found our goodies and ate most of them! He even took the note with him and returned the key!
Wolf Christmas
Even though she was feeling a bit better, Macie still wasn't 100% when we left Sturgis. Brian and I knew that the best decision for her would be to go home and rest up so that she would be better on Christmas Day. Plus, we didn't want to expose anyone else if there was something going on. Brian told Gavin and I to go ahead out to my Aunt and Uncle's house. I felt bad leaving him, but I had to take the gifts to the kids that Macie and Gavin got gifts for. Brian decided to keep his guy gift for himself (he wanted it) and have a drink at home. The Wolf Christmas was kind of screwy anyway. My Grandma fell and broke her femur a few weeks ago and is still recovering at Health South. We always have Christmas at her house and we didn't want to do it without her. Everyone had different ideas as to what we should do. My uncle said that we could get together at his house. We only did the cousin exchanges. Gavin got some cars and a little people truck. He also got an outfit from my godparents. Our godson, Leland, got us the cutest gift. He got Brian UK socks and me IU socks. We have a big rivalry in our house so I thought it was awesome! I took Macie's gifts home so she could open them Christmas morning. She got a my little pony that comes with a bottle and some Elmo pjs. She LOVES her pony and carries it everywhere right now! Even though it wasn't the same, Gavin and I did have fun. He is such a trooper. We didn't leave until 9 (two hours past his bedtime) and he didn't fuss once! Hopefully, when we get together at Grandma's house, both of my kiddos will be healthy!
On the way there, it started snowing like crazy. My uncle lives on a curvy, windy road and I was a little freaked out! On the way home, I took my sweet time so that I could bring my precious cargo home safely!

On the way there, it started snowing like crazy. My uncle lives on a curvy, windy road and I was a little freaked out! On the way home, I took my sweet time so that I could bring my precious cargo home safely!
Christmas in Sturgis
After much debate, we decided to go to Sturgis on Christmas Eve to celebrate with Brian's family. Macie hadn't gotten sick since the night before, but she was still a little puny. When we got there, she was definitely overwhelmed. Everyone else was already there and they were very excited to see Macie and Gavin. Macie said, "Mommy carry me". She warmed up to Grammie quickly, but never was quite herself. In fact, during lunch she choked on her sandwich and got sick a little bit again. We had to change her out of her beautiful dress before nap time. While both kids napped, all of the adults opened their gifts. We did this last year and I really liked it because we could take our time and see what everyone got. Then when the kids woke up, it was all about them. Gavin did great with opening presents, but Macie not so much. I think it was a combination of her not feeling well and being overstimulated! Every time she opened something, she just wanted to play with it. She didn't want to put it down to open something else. She kind of did this at her birthday party so I think it is just the age. I ended up opening or helping her open most of her gifts. Macie and Gavin had about 10 gifts each! Not only did Grammie, Pops, and the aunts buy for them, but Uncle John, Noah, Camden, and some neighbors did too! Our Escape was loaded to the ceiling! They got so many amazing things and we are so grateful that our kiddos are so loved!
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