Another horse shoe season has come and gone! I didn't actually get to attend as many horse shoe nights as usual because of the heat. It's been too hot to bring/chase/hold two little kids! Today was hot, but Gavin and I stayed inside most of the time. Macie was in and out and had a great day! There were lots of people to play with! Brian was still at the bottom of the rankings, but he was happy with how much better he did this year. He is the most improved by far! We ended the day with a great meal of pulled pork, turkey, and lots of sides! I couldn't find my camera half the day so I only took 2 pictures. While I am happy that Brian will now be home on Thursday nights, the end of horseshoes means that the end of summer is near:(
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
More Deals
Macie was feeling a bit better this afternoon, so I decided to get out of the house and get some great deals. In fact, she was saying "Hi" to everyone she saw. She brought smiles to many faces! First stop: Buy Low. I bought 48 jars of Stage 2 baby food (about a month supply), Scooby Fruit Snacks, 12 packages of Kool aid, and King's Hawaiian Sweet rolls. What do you think the grand total was...

We never really shop at Buy Low, but the baby food was on sale for 25cents a piece! They normally run 50cents or higher. Score! That mixed with free rolls and sale prices on the other items meant a great deal!
After Buy Low, we headed home so Gavin could eat and then we were off for the deal of the day! Brian had a stack of coupons for great deals at Target. I couldn't find a few things, but I bought 2 boxes of Bagel Bites, 2 cans of Chef Boyardee, 2 Kid Cuisines, Kid's Aquafresh Toothpaste, and an 8 pack of Bic pens. How much do you think I spent....
Calling it a bad hair day is an understatement...
Because Macie wasn't feeling well this morning, she didn't want me to do her hair. Oh was out of control!
One of Macie's favorite things to do right now is "write"!
Critical Tastebuds
Now that Brian and I have changed the way we think about and spend money, I think our taste buds have become more critical. If we pay to go out to eat, we have a higher expectation for the taste and quality of the food. When I spent $6 at Burger King for a meal that was mediocre, it made me sick. Especially when we were able to get so much for less money at Target. Last night, we bought a gallon of sweet tea at Capt D's. We both love the tea and it's cheaper to buy a gallon than 2 drinks. The tea was stronger than usual and not as sweet. We were both disappointed and wishing we hadn't wasted our money. It isn't horrible and we will drink it of course, but I think our taste buds have become more critical. These are just two small examples, but it has me thinking and it will hopefully help us to stay on track in the future.
In other news...I ended up getting another whole day with the kiddos today. I was planning to take them to the new daycare for half the day, but Macie woke up with a low grade fever. I knew it was best to stay home. It will be a long day because Macie doesn't feel well (plus she went to bed 2 1/2 hours past her bedtime last night) and Brian won't be home until after midnight tonight. He is bartending a church event. At least it isn't as hot outside. Maybe if Macie starts feeling better later we will get outside and swing.
In other news...I ended up getting another whole day with the kiddos today. I was planning to take them to the new daycare for half the day, but Macie woke up with a low grade fever. I knew it was best to stay home. It will be a long day because Macie doesn't feel well (plus she went to bed 2 1/2 hours past her bedtime last night) and Brian won't be home until after midnight tonight. He is bartending a church event. At least it isn't as hot outside. Maybe if Macie starts feeling better later we will get outside and swing.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
There have been a lot of changes happening in the Mitchell household. As a person who has a type A personality and wants to plan everything out, change can be difficult for me. It is scary, exciting, and sad all at the same time.
As you know, we had to get rid of our fur babies last week. That decision was a very difficult one, but we are happy and relieved that we did it. They are in better places and will be well taken care of for the rest of our lives!
Today is also my last full day home with the kids before school starts. Although I knew summer would come to an end, I am sad. Don't get me wrong...I love my job and I feel that I am a better mom because of it, but it is still sad that I won't get to spend every moment with them.
Because I am going back to work, I am weaning Gavin. This is much harder than I thought it would be. My goal for each baby was to nurse them for 6 months. I wasn't able to nurse Macie much at all and had to pump for the first 3 months of her life. Gavin has been much easier and I will actually make it to my goal! It will be a nice break for me to stop nursing, but it is sad too. The bond that we've created is something I will cherish forever. That being said, Brian will be able to do a lot more for him and I'm thrilled about that! My little boy is growing up!
Another big change is that my mom will be going back to work full-time and will no longer be able to watch the kids 3 days a week. Back in January, I was aware that this might happen. But, they kept pushing back the date, so I was hopeful that it wouldn't. I love knowing that my kids are with their grandparents during the day. Finding childcare has been one of the most difficult things Brian and I have experienced regarding parenting thus far. We found someone to keep them on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Brian's mom will still be keeping them on Thursday and Friday. I am just praying that everything works out and that we don't have to make any more daycare changes!!!!
Yes change is good and bad, scary and exciting, happy and sad....I just hope we don't have any more changes around here for a while! I need to adjust to these first!!!
As you know, we had to get rid of our fur babies last week. That decision was a very difficult one, but we are happy and relieved that we did it. They are in better places and will be well taken care of for the rest of our lives!
Today is also my last full day home with the kids before school starts. Although I knew summer would come to an end, I am sad. Don't get me wrong...I love my job and I feel that I am a better mom because of it, but it is still sad that I won't get to spend every moment with them.
Because I am going back to work, I am weaning Gavin. This is much harder than I thought it would be. My goal for each baby was to nurse them for 6 months. I wasn't able to nurse Macie much at all and had to pump for the first 3 months of her life. Gavin has been much easier and I will actually make it to my goal! It will be a nice break for me to stop nursing, but it is sad too. The bond that we've created is something I will cherish forever. That being said, Brian will be able to do a lot more for him and I'm thrilled about that! My little boy is growing up!
Another big change is that my mom will be going back to work full-time and will no longer be able to watch the kids 3 days a week. Back in January, I was aware that this might happen. But, they kept pushing back the date, so I was hopeful that it wouldn't. I love knowing that my kids are with their grandparents during the day. Finding childcare has been one of the most difficult things Brian and I have experienced regarding parenting thus far. We found someone to keep them on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Brian's mom will still be keeping them on Thursday and Friday. I am just praying that everything works out and that we don't have to make any more daycare changes!!!!
Yes change is good and bad, scary and exciting, happy and sad....I just hope we don't have any more changes around here for a while! I need to adjust to these first!!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday afternoon, we went to Fazzoli's for lunch to celebrate my mom's birthday (which is tomorrow). Macie looked as cute as can be as always!

How much do you think Brian spent on all of this at Target tonight? Two boxes of Bagel Bites, Eight Chef Boyardee Cups, Kid's Aquafresh Toothpaste, Ten Bic Pens, and Two Wonka Chocolate Bars...
How much do you think Brian spent on all of this at Target tonight? Two boxes of Bagel Bites, Eight Chef Boyardee Cups, Kid's Aquafresh Toothpaste, Ten Bic Pens, and Two Wonka Chocolate Bars...
We saved over 3x that! The crazy thing is, I went to Burger King today and got a value meal and spent more than that!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
He did it!!
Gavin FINALLY rolled over from his back to his belly. For the longest time, he would flip all the way over, but he couldn't pull his arm out. This morning, I laid Gavin on our bed so that I could get some things ready. I look back, and he was flipped over and had the biggest grin on his face. Brian and I started cheering and clapping. Now, he just has to flip over the other way! He is officially on the move...what a scary thought!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Max's New Home
We found a new home for Max. We actually ended up having three people who wanted him. Yesterday afternoon around 4 a couple came from Benton, Ill to get him. They were very nice and wanted him for their 2 year old son. This morning when Brian got to work he had an email from them. They sent an adorable picture of Max sleeping in bed with their son. It was sad to see him go, but that is exactly what we had hoped for! Macie keeps asking for the dogs and we just tell her they found a new home. I guess that chapter of our lives is closed and it is time to move on to the next one.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Get in line girls....
Yesterday afternoon, Macie, Gavin, and I went to Brandi's house to play. We hadn't seen their new house yet. Macie was a bit of a handful. She wasn't sharing very well and kept wanting to destroy the fireplace cover. She played with the girls, but she was mostly interested in what Mitchell and Bailey were doing. Gavin had three little girls fawning over him and he loved it! He was all smiles. We had a great visit and I look forward to getting together to play again!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Two Kids, Two Dogs, Too Many
Brian and I made a very difficult decision today. We are surrendering our dogs. Rusty and Max have been our babies for 3 and 4 years. Brian and I knew that this was inevitable. Even though they are great with our kids, we no longer have the money or time to properly care for them. I always said that nothing would change my mind about the dogs once we had kids. Eating my words has never tasted so badly!
Last week, we decided to pray about it and see what happened. The very next morning as Brian was driving to work, he heard Dave Ramsey talking about pets. He said if your in debt and can't afford them, get rid of them. We both took that as a sign and filled out an online application for PAAWS. It is a no kill shelter and we feel it is very important that they find good homes. That was Friday. We took the weekend to pray and think about it. Sunday night, I received an email asking for more pictures of the dogs. We sent them last night and we got a call this morning letting us know that they had a place for Rusty. My heart sank. Was this really happening...could I really do this? I spent the whole day crying and on the phone with family and friends letting them know what was going on. Every one has been very supportive. Tonight, a lady came to take Rusty. We currently still have Max, but it is only temporary. Please pray that he finds a good home. I know that we will move on, but it is very hard. Who knew our little four legged friends would take so much our hearts with them?
Last week, we decided to pray about it and see what happened. The very next morning as Brian was driving to work, he heard Dave Ramsey talking about pets. He said if your in debt and can't afford them, get rid of them. We both took that as a sign and filled out an online application for PAAWS. It is a no kill shelter and we feel it is very important that they find good homes. That was Friday. We took the weekend to pray and think about it. Sunday night, I received an email asking for more pictures of the dogs. We sent them last night and we got a call this morning letting us know that they had a place for Rusty. My heart sank. Was this really happening...could I really do this? I spent the whole day crying and on the phone with family and friends letting them know what was going on. Every one has been very supportive. Tonight, a lady came to take Rusty. We currently still have Max, but it is only temporary. Please pray that he finds a good home. I know that we will move on, but it is very hard. Who knew our little four legged friends would take so much our hearts with them?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Can you guess who??
Wow!!! My kids look more alike than I realized! Gavin is changing every day! Who knows what they will end up looking like!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Thank You Party
My Grandma Wolf went to California to visit my aunt a few weeks ago. While she was gone, her kids did some odd jobs around her house (painting and replacing her kitchen flooring). She was so grateful that she wanted to throw a thank you party at my Aunt Jennifer's house. Grandma supplied the pork steaks and turkey for everyone and we brought the sides. It was a HOT day, but Macie stayed cool in the pool and sprinkler and Gavin kept cool in the shade. We were there for about 6 hours and Brian and I both felt like the time flew by! I love getting together with family and Macie had so much fun with her cousins!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Baby or Little Boy???
Gavin is growing up SO fast! Today, I looked at him and felt like I was looking at a little boy and not a baby. I almost started crying! Then tonight, Brian was holding him and he grabbed his pap and put it in his mouth! It took him a bit, but he got it! To prove that it wasn't just a fluke, he did it two more times! Brian and I were clapping and cheering. People say that things aren't as exciting the second time around, but I think it is actually the opposite. With the second child, you are more relaxed and appreciate each and every milestone. Gavin is a completely different child than Macie and raising him is an absolute joy! I'm so thrilled he chose me to be his mommy!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Macie has been singing a lot lately. She started singing the Elmo's World theme song and I thought it was too darn cute. When she realized I had the camera, she kept saying, "CHEESE". Each clip is very short!
This last one she was just being silly....I LOVE THIS LITTLE GIRL!!!
Big Boy Bath
Gavin got a bath in the tub tonight! Brandi was kind enough to give us a bath seat for him that fits over the side of the tub. Brian gave both kids a bath before heading to horseshoes tonight. He said that it was still a little difficult to give him a bath, but we just can't believe how much he is growing up! He seemed happy to be able to see everything. We look forward to lots more bath fun in the future!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Mama!
Today is my 28th birthday!! I've had a great day! This morning, the kids and I went to Central Library to meet Patti, Mitchell, and Maddie. I tried to get a hold of my mom, but she wasn't home. I even drove by her house. When we got to the library, I started cracking up because she was there! I should have known that we would find her at her favorite place. She stayed for a bit and played with Macie and Gavin. Macie loved playing with the puzzles and Maddie. Gavin kept looking around at everything. After we left, we went to my parents' house so that I could feed Gavin. Then, we met my dad for lunch at Hacienda. Yummy! Next up, naps! I only got to sleep for 15 minutes, but both kids took a nice nap. Brian got home early today so that I could go to a meeting at school. We met our new principal. Some of my friends gave me cards or a gift. Once the meeting was over, I came home to pick up the kids and Brian so that we could go to dinner at Red Lobster. My parents' gave me a gift card to there for my birthday. We had a delicious dinner and I am stuffed!!!!! Now, we are home and relaxing for the night. Soon, we will watch America's Got Talent and have a glass of wine. Yes, I've had a great day. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes!
When we were at Red Lobster, Brian kept insisting I turn my blue tooth on my phone so he could send me something. He recorded Macie wishing me a Happy Birthday! I video taped it so that you could all hear her sweet little voice! Macie and Gavin are the best gifts I have ever been given!!!
When we were at Red Lobster, Brian kept insisting I turn my blue tooth on my phone so he could send me something. He recorded Macie wishing me a Happy Birthday! I video taped it so that you could all hear her sweet little voice! Macie and Gavin are the best gifts I have ever been given!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Laundry Helper
Macie has been helping me do laundry for a while now. She will help me empty the dryer. Then, I will hand her stuff from the washer and then she will put it in the dryer. Finally, she will help me put the clothes in the washer. She will even help me carry the laundry basket. Yes, it slows down the process, but I love it. Tonight, she was helping daddy and I thought I should get a picture because I can't take them when she is helping me. She loves to help now, but I'm sure in a few years when she has to do it, she won't want to!
Anya's Baptism
Once we got home with the kids, we had to feed Macie and get ready for the day. We were invited to witness Anya Claire's baptism. She was baptised at Holy Rosary Church after the 11:00 Mass. I'm glad that it was after Mass so we didn't have to worry as much about the kids being quiet. Gavin slept the whole time and Macie sat on the steps eating some crackers. After the baptism, we went to Rachel and Eric's house for lunch, cake, and gifts. Gavin was quite the ham and had a blast kicking and playing on the floor. Macie was good, but we were afraid she would break something. Plus, it was her nap time so she was a bit cranky. She also had a hard time with the fact that none of the presents were for her. As soon as gifts were over, we left so Macie could take a nap. We feel so lucky to have been part of such a special day in their lives!
Tonight, we are going to Crazy Buffet with my mom, dad, and Allie for my birthday (a few days early). Then we will come home, catch up on some tv shows, and call it an early night! It's a crazy life, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way!!!

Tonight, we are going to Crazy Buffet with my mom, dad, and Allie for my birthday (a few days early). Then we will come home, catch up on some tv shows, and call it an early night! It's a crazy life, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way!!!
First Overnight
Last night Macie and Gavin spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house. It was Gavin's first overnight. He is five months old, so it was about time, but I always have a hard time with stuff like this. Macie couldn't wait for us to leave and Gavin was happy as can be talking to Grandma when we dropped them off. Brian and I went to Mass by ourselves. That is such a rare treat and we were actually able to listen to what Father was saying. There was a baptism during Mass and it made me miss the kids, but I survived! Then we made a quick stop at Target before heading home to get everything ready for the night. We went to Allie's for an adult only party. It was a small crowd but a lot of fun. It was so nice to not have to worry about what Macie was getting into. Great food, great company, great time! This morning we picked up the kids a little before ten and Macie was quite the crab. It's almost like she was punishing us for leaving her even though she had fun. Brian and I were both exhausted from staying up so late, but it was nice to have all four of us back together again!

A Very Busy Weekend
Some how, we always seem to have a lot going on and this weekend was packed from start to finish. Saturday morning, we got up bright and early and headed to Bloomington. We met our friends, Amy, Doug, and Sam. I went to college with Amy and we have remained friends. We try to get together at least once a year and Bloomington seems to be half way point for us. Their little boy, Sam, is only 11 days older than Macie. He is such a cutie! We ate brunch (it was 9:30 for us and 10:30 for them) at Cracker Barrel and then walked around campus for a bit. We love hanging out with them because it doesn't seem to matter how long it's been, we just jump right back in where we left off! I wish they lived closer. Hopefully, it won't be a year until we see them again! We weren't able to visit for long because we both needed to get home, but it was a great time!
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