Yesterday afternoon, we went to Grandma Wolf's house for Christmas. She fell and broke her hip (well upper femur) and was still recovering at Health South on Christmas. She is home and doing much better so we got together to celebrate. Not everyone was able to make it, but it was still a big group of us.
Macie was a bit overwhelmed when we got there, as anyone would be, but she was excited to show off her beautiful dress. I put her in her Christmas dress because she was sick on Christmas Eve and didn't get to wear it for long.
Macie got a new Princess book from Grandma Wolf and Gavin got a shake and go car. Both gifts were a hit! Brian got a Budweiser stein to add to his collection and I got a cute Christmas tree decoration.
Besides celebrating Christmas, we also celebrated my Aunt's wedding. She got married on Friday and we are very happy for her! We had a cake and a champagne toast. It was a fun afternoon, but the kids didn't handle it very well. Gavin was super tired because he didn't get his naps in and even cried a bit.
Macie had been a pistol all morning and was starting to act up so we actually left before dinner. Gavin conked out immediately in the car and we had to wake him up for dinner. He only stayed awake about an hour before he was ready to go back to bed.
Macie was crabby and crying all evening so both kids were in bed and sound asleep before 6:30.
Since we got home so early (by 4), I decided to go ahead and do my freezer cooking. I planned on doing it today, but I'm so glad that I got it done last night. I made chili, potato soup, pasta bakes, southwest roll ups, and mashed potatoes to freeze. I also chopped up
romain for salads, an onion for later in the week, and carrots for the kids. It is such a relief to have all of this done! Week night dinners are so much easier if I just have to warm something up versus make it from scratch!
Macie showing Great Grandma Wolf her dress

My two favorite boys!

Macie read Gavin her new book!