Lilah has started chewing on her pap and she chewed a hole in it the other day. She also throws it and we keep losing them. In fact, we could only find two the other night. She wasn’t overly attached to it, so we decided it was time for the Pap Fairy to visit. We gathered up the remaining paps, put them in a bowl, wrote a note, and waited for her to come. She did come that night and left Lilah a bag of dried fruit and took the paps away!
As far as how she’s doing, it’s only an issue at bedtime. She hasn’t missed it at all during the day and is a lot more vocal. (I was actually a little worried she wasn’t talking enough, so this will help with that). When we put her down, she cries a bit, but gets over it quickly. The longest she cried was 20 minutes, but that was the first night. Honestly, Brian and I are thrilled to be done with paps. It was a constant pain looking for them and we were always worried about them being clean. Good Bye Pap Fairy!