Saturday, February 14, 2009

4 months!!

Yesterday was Macie's 4 month birthday! Here are some highlights of the last month:
  • Macie had her first overnight stay somewhere else (with us there) due to the horrible ice storm. She slept at Grandpa and Grandma's house and Aunt Allie's apartment.
  • Macie has found a new fascination with tv and it often keeps her occupied while I am trying to get something done.
  • Macie discovered her taggies from Grammie and loves to hold on to them and chew on them. She has also reached for a few toys and grabbed them.
  • Just this last week, Macie has started to get easily distracted while eating when we are out in public or a lot is going on. This makes it very difficult to feed her and takes forever! She also has started playing with her bottle and trying to hold it all by herself!
  • Macie had her first visit to Lucas Oil Stadium.
  • We are estimating that Macie weighs a little over 15 aunt weighed herself with and without Macie on the scale.
  • Her personality is pretty much the same....when she's happy she is all smiles, but when she's mad.....she's ticked!!!
Look out duck...I'm gaining on you!
Look at those chubby thighs!
Just hangin' out!

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