Macie has started saying "dada" and she says it all of the time but she hasn't said it in reference to Brian yet. It will just be a matter of time.
Another new thing she started this week is sitting up from a laying position all on her own. She has done it several times, but I think she is still surprised that she can do it.
Tonight, we are going to look at and possibly purchase a big girl car seat for her. Yes, my little girl is movin' on up!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Weekend Highlights
Last weekend was a busy one as usual. Friday night we went to dinner with Rachel and Eric at Texas Roadhouse and then hung out at their house for a bit.
Saturday, we went to Sturgis to have lunch with Brian's parents. That night we went to the demolition derby at the fair. Annie and Brian were hoping that Macie would be just as excited about the animals, but she didn't care much:( I think that she was just tired, but I think they were a little bummed. The derby was great until the torrential downpour! We had to run to the car. Good thing we had towels, umbrellas, and Annie with us!
Sunday, while Brian was mowing our grass and my parent's grass, Macie and I went to lunch with most of the women on my dad's side. Then, my dad brought over part of my birthday present...a picnic table he made for me! Yay! After Brian's softball game, we went to dinner at Rounders with a group from the team. Another exhausting weekend....will we ever slow down??
Saturday, we went to Sturgis to have lunch with Brian's parents. That night we went to the demolition derby at the fair. Annie and Brian were hoping that Macie would be just as excited about the animals, but she didn't care much:( I think that she was just tired, but I think they were a little bummed. The derby was great until the torrential downpour! We had to run to the car. Good thing we had towels, umbrellas, and Annie with us!
Sunday, while Brian was mowing our grass and my parent's grass, Macie and I went to lunch with most of the women on my dad's side. Then, my dad brought over part of my birthday present...a picnic table he made for me! Yay! After Brian's softball game, we went to dinner at Rounders with a group from the team. Another exhausting weekend....will we ever slow down??
Friday, July 24, 2009
On the way home from horseshoes last night, Macie wanted my water bottle. It just had a little bit left in it so I let her have it. She feel asleep before we got home. She looked so darn cute because she was still holding onto the bottle when we got home. We had a pry it out of her little hands. What a mess!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
9 Month Checkup
Today Macie visited Dr. Voyles for her 9 month check up. I was looking forward to this visit because she didn't have to get any shots! Macie weighs 20 pounds 3 ounces (80th percentile) and is 28 inches long (70th percentile). She is reaching all of her developmental milestones right on time and she was so good for them when they were checking her out. They just think she is the cutest thing (who doesn't?) and are mesmerized by those bright blue eyes. The only thing she didn't like was having her ears checked....I had to hold her hands down. Because of her height and weight, Dr. Voyles recommends getting her a converter car seat sooner than later. She will still face backwards until 1 and then he said we should turn her around. I know that I catch myself saying this all of the time, but my little baby is turning into a little girl and it makes me happy and sad at the same time. She is growing like a weed!
Monday, July 20, 2009
4-H Fair
Tonight, Allie, Macie, and I went to the 4-H Fair. Allie and I had just planned on eating some yummy and greasy food. I didn't think that Macie would care that much, but she absolutely LOVED the animals. She couldn't get enough of them! She was reaching for them and pointing at was adorable! Brian was so sad that he had to miss it, but we are going back on Saturday to watch the demolition derby, so we will visit the animals again.
Nobody Warned Me!!
I've heard of the terrible 2's and even the terrible 3's.....but no one told me about the terrible 9 months!!! Everything is such a struggle...changing diapers, wiping her nose, dressing her! I don't know if it is the teething, cold, or just the age, but she is WEARING ME OUT! It probably doesn't help that I am flat exhausted and not sleeping well. Hopefully, she doesn't stay in this stage for long!
Duck Pics and More
The weather this weekend was gorgeous and we took full advantage of it! Friday night, we went to the drive-in and saw Hangover and Public Enemies. Macie fell asleep during the first movie and slept the rest of the night in her car seat, so that made it nice. It got pretty chilly during the second movie and I fell asleep, but Brian loved it.
Saturday, we spent the day doing some stuff around here...mowing, cleaning...and then we went to the St. Theresa Summer Social with Allie. I didn't have my camera, but I wish that I did because Brian got in a booth where they swirl prizes around you. You have 30 seconds to grab them and stuff them in a box. Then, you get prizes according to what they say. Allie and I were laughing so hard because he looked absolutely ridiculous, but he did get some coupons and free stuff.
Sunday, we grocery shopped, went to Brian's softball game, and then spent the evening in the backyard while Brian grilled out. It was a great weekend!!
While Brian was grilling, we tried to take some pictures of Macie with the duck, but that was no easy task. Now that is she is mobile...forget it!
Saturday, we spent the day doing some stuff around here...mowing, cleaning...and then we went to the St. Theresa Summer Social with Allie. I didn't have my camera, but I wish that I did because Brian got in a booth where they swirl prizes around you. You have 30 seconds to grab them and stuff them in a box. Then, you get prizes according to what they say. Allie and I were laughing so hard because he looked absolutely ridiculous, but he did get some coupons and free stuff.
Sunday, we grocery shopped, went to Brian's softball game, and then spent the evening in the backyard while Brian grilled out. It was a great weekend!!
While Brian was grilling, we tried to take some pictures of Macie with the duck, but that was no easy task. Now that is she is mobile...forget it!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Happy Tears
Yesterday, my dad was over before we went to horseshoes. He was holding Macie up in the air and blowing raspberries on her belly. She was cracking up. As I was watching this, I started crying. My dad asked me what was wrong. I told him that both my grandpas passed away before I was born and I always wanted one and hoped that my children would have their grandpas someday. Macie is blessed to have all four grandparents who love and adore her. I told him they were "happy tears".
Then again, I am pregnant, so do I really need an excuse to cry??
Then again, I am pregnant, so do I really need an excuse to cry??
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Birthday Reflections...
As I turn 27, it is only appropriate for me to reflect on my year 26. The last year of my life has been truly amazing.....I had my first child, celebrated my first wedding anniversary and mother's day and found out that we were expecting our second child. I don't know that 26 or 27 is supposed to "feel like" but I can't believe 30 is closer than it is far away. I also feel so content with so many aspects of my life. If you would have asked me 5 years ago.....what are three things you want out of life, my answer would have been, to be a teacher, a wife and a mother. God has blessed me with a job that I love, a good marriage with a wonderful husband who works hard to support his family and a gorgeous baby girl and another baby on the way....what more could I ask for? Does my life stop here? Absolutely not!! It just makes me realize that I need to dream bigger, work harder, and not take for granted what I have now because it could be gone in an instant!
This year I look forward to celebrating Macie's first birthday, meeting our new child, getting more financially stable, and getting my house more organized and back to the way it was before dogs/husband/kids (if that is even possible)! Cheers to another fabulous year!!
This year I look forward to celebrating Macie's first birthday, meeting our new child, getting more financially stable, and getting my house more organized and back to the way it was before dogs/husband/kids (if that is even possible)! Cheers to another fabulous year!!
9 Months Old!!
Yesterday was Macie's 9 month birthday. The last month has been a very eventful one! I don't have duck pictures yet because she was running a fever and not feeling well, but I hope to get them soon and add them to the post. Allie will be taking her pictures this weekend, so I will do a sneak peek when I get them.
Here are the highlights of the last month:
Here are the highlights of the last month:
- Macie got her first tooth (along with a fever...yuck!)
- She started pulling up on people and Grammie and Pops' couch
- She finally is moving forward! We call her our little inch worm! She gets up on her hands and knees and just rocks back and forth and then resorts to scooting.
- She is finally saying consonant sounds (baba)
- Last night, she waved bye-bye to me for the first time. It melted my heart and made it very difficult to leave!!
De ja vu??
Today is my actual birthday, but Brian gave me my birthday present on Saturday by taking me to The Melting Pot. We did this last year for my birthday and we both fell in love with the place. It was nice for us to spend the day together because I had been gone all week. The food was phenomenal and we left stuffed!!

Chicago 7/6 - 7/9
Last week, I headed to Chicago with Jamie and Nancy for a DI conference. I was very hesitant to register for this because I didn't know if I was going to be able to leave Macie for that long. I knew that she would be fine with her grandparents, but I was way more worried about me! Overall, it was a great week and I had a lot of fun eating at some new places, not to mention, I got some great new ideas for school this year! The highlight for us was that our hotel room had TWO bathrooms!! Jamie and I each had our own!
Unfortunately, I don't really have any pictures of me in them because they are all on Jamie's camera, but here are a few of the sights...
Unfortunately, I don't really have any pictures of me in them because they are all on Jamie's camera, but here are a few of the sights...
So much to little time and energy to do it!
A lot has been going on in the Mitchell household. However, due to computer issues and a jammed packed schedule, I haven't had time to post. Hopefully, I will get a chance tonight after Vacation Bible School. Hope all is well with everyone!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fourth of July
I started out the 4th by sleeping in...a rare treat! We went and visited Grams B for a bit and then went and had dinner at my Aunt Julie and Uncle Alan's house. It was a small gathering, but very nice. Dylan was there and he and Macie were having a good time, but I couldn't get a good picture of them. Oh well! We had delicious food (Brian especially loved the ribs) and it was a relaxing day. We were home by about 9. Brian and I stood outside and watched some fireworks after we put Macie to bed. A good day!
While we were in Sturgis, Brian grilled out and we had a delicious dinner. Macie enjoyed her graham crackers and got to swing for the first time. She absolutely loved it. Grammie was nice enough to give her a bath before we went home. What a great day!
Fun Family Day
Brian was off work on Friday so we decided to take visit some places that he went to often as a child. First, we went to Garden of the Gods. It was my first time there along with Macie. We walked on a trail and ate a picnic lunch. I think that Brian wanted to be a little more adventurous, but Macie and I held him back. It made me nervous, but the views are breathtaking. Next, we headed to Cave In Rock. It is a cave along the Ohio River that has supposedly held Jesse James and other bandits when they were hiding out. Then, we rode the ferry across into Kentucky. That was an experience....freaked me out a little bit, but it was neat at the same time. After a short stop at Yoder's variety store, our final destination was Sturgis to see Brian's parents. It was a LONG day, but very fun. We made it home around 8:00 and I think I was sound asleep by 8:15!
First Tooth!!
Last week Macie's first tooth broke through!! You can't see it, but you can definitely feel it! She has also started moving herself forward on the floor instead of backwards and is pulling up some. I know this week when I am in Chicago she will start crawling, pull up all on her own have get five teeth!!! I'm a little sad to leave her for four days, but I know that I will have a great time!
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