The weather this weekend was gorgeous and we took full advantage of it! Friday night, we went to the drive-in and saw Hangover and Public Enemies. Macie fell asleep during the first movie and slept the rest of the night in her car seat, so that made it nice. It got pretty chilly during the second movie and I fell asleep, but Brian loved it.
Saturday, we spent the day doing some stuff around here...mowing, cleaning...and then we went to the St. Theresa Summer Social with Allie. I didn't have my camera, but I wish that I did because Brian got in a booth where they swirl prizes around you. You have 30 seconds to grab them and stuff them in a box. Then, you get prizes according to what they say. Allie and I were laughing so hard because he looked absolutely ridiculous, but he did get some coupons and free stuff.
Sunday, we grocery shopped, went to Brian's softball game, and then spent the evening in the backyard while Brian grilled out. It was a great weekend!!
While Brian was grilling, we tried to take some pictures of Macie with the duck, but that was no easy task. Now that is she is mobile...forget it!
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