Yesterday afternoon was SUPER LONG!! I had four appointments scheduled back to back. Here was the plan: Get to doctor's office by 1:15 and drink orange drink, see Dr. Crutcher at 1:45, get blood drawn at 2:15, go next door to Maternal Fetal Medicine office for ultrasound at 2:30, see Dr. Turnquest at 3:00.
Well, so much for a plan!! My day at school was crazy and my assistant, who was supposed to cover my classroom while I had my appointments, had a family emergency in Louisville and had to leave early. I scrambled around to find other arrangements for my class and rushed out the door around 1:00. I arrived at the doctor's office on time only to find out that there was no lab tech that day and that Dr. Crutcher was running about 30 minutes behind. Great... it was a little after 1 and I now didn't have an appointment until after 2! The positive is, I had a chance to sit and relax. At 2, I was called back into the room, but Dr. Crutcher didn't come in until 2:30 (when my next appointment was supposed to start).
During Dr. Crutcher's visit, my blood pressure, Lilah's heart beat, and weight were great. I also got my c-section scheduled. It will be Monday, December 19th at 9:00am. I'm happy to have this taken care of. I was also happy to find out that I will be able to do my blood work at my next appointment instead of going to the lab. I go back to see Dr. Crutcher in 2 weeks.
Next, I headed next door for my ultrasound. This was my follow up from the last one. They wanted to look more closely at Lilah's heart and check her growth. Her heart looked great and her weight was 2 pounds 9 ounces. That puts her in the 60th percentile. I loved getting to look at her again. We got some close up pictures of her little face....I can't wait to see it in person!
Finally, I met with Dr. Turnquest. She was very happy with Lilah's progress and said that she wouldn't need to see me anymore. She did recommend that I have the growth ultrasounds with Dr. Crutcher, but we are already going to set that up. Basically from 32 weeks on, I will go every week for an ultrasound. The only thing she said that bothered me was that now Lilah is slightly on the larger side. She said that may indicate gestational diabetes. I have the test in two weeks, so only time will tell. (Please God...I don't need anything else!)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Macie's favorite baby right now is Bucky (she got her name because of her beautiful front teeth). She sleeps with her every night, changes her clothes often, and takes her everywhere. Tonight, she wanted to take pictures of her "baby" like we do.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Grider's Wedding Reception
Last night, we went to Grider's wedding reception. Keith (aka Grider) is a family friend who has been around my whole life. Brian played softball and horseshoes with him so we were happy to be a part of his special day. They had a private ceremony at the Four Freedom's Monument and then everyone was invited to the reception. My kids haven't ever been to anything like that and they did extremely well! Macie was a dancing machine and even danced with the bride and groom! They played the chicken dance, hokey pokey, and "Chucke's" dance, so she was in heaven. Gavin loved the food. It also was amazing because as soon as he went on the dance floor, he instantly had four little kids around him (all older) rubbing on him and wanting to be with him. He even danced with an older woman for a while! I swear, he draws people to him everywhere we go!! Overall we had a great time and I even go my big pregnant self out there to dance. I'm paying for it today though! We left after 8:00 and I was so proud of how the kids behaved. What a great night!

Pictures Courtesy of Macie
Allie hosted a 31 party for Beth on Friday night, so Beth, Wil, and Parker came over for a visit. Wil and Parker stayed to play while Beth and I went to the party. I was taking a few pictures of the kids and then Macie wanted to give it a try. I took the first two and the last four are courtesy of Macie!
Monday, September 19, 2011
"Am I too little..."
Here is the conversation I had with my not even three year old tonight:
Macie: "Mommy, am I too little for an ipod?"
Me: "Who told you about an ipod?"
Macie: "......(child at daycare) wants one for her birthday."
Me: "Who told you that you were too little?"
Macie: "Miss Julie"
I'm thinking Thank goodness.
Daddy: "What does an ipod do?"
Macie: "I don't know"
Daddy: " don't need an ipod!"
Geez...what will this child come up with next????
Macie: "Mommy, am I too little for an ipod?"
Me: "Who told you about an ipod?"
Macie: "......(child at daycare) wants one for her birthday."
Me: "Who told you that you were too little?"
Macie: "Miss Julie"
I'm thinking Thank goodness.
Daddy: "What does an ipod do?"
Macie: "I don't know"
Daddy: " don't need an ipod!"
Geez...what will this child come up with next????
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Macie's Project
Several months ago, Macie got a foam kit to make a jewelry box. She found it yesterday and wanted me to make it with her. Since we didn't have time, I promised her we would today. Gavin took a longer nap than her, so it was the perfect time. I'm sure the thing will fall apart in no time, but it was fun to do a little project with Macie!

Brenntag Picnic
This afternoon, we went to Brian's work picnic. It was at the Bauerhaus. Gavin was a bit grumpy when we got there and it sprinkled a bit, but overall the kids had a blast! They had a lot to do for the kids. There was a bouncy house, large blow up slide, games, and playground. They even came home with prizes! Gavin picked a water gun (his first gun...yuck) and Macie picked a huge pair of sunglasses and a light up bouncy ball. After all of the fun, we had a yummy lunch of fried chicken, burgers, pulled pork, and sides. The kids were so well behaved. We had to leave right after lunch so the kids could nap and Brian could go bartend. We missed all of the big prizes. Oh well...maybe next year!

Playdate with Clayton
Last night, Macie was invited to a play date with Clayton. Aunt Dawn called and said that she would have Clayton for a bit and wanted to know if Macie could come over to play. She invited Gavin too, but we didn't go over there until 6:15, and that's too late for him. I drug Allie along and we had a good time. The kids played for about an hour and they got along great. They even had a Popsicle treat! Macie loved that it was a Dora one and I thought it was cool that they were slow melting. Clayton even passed one down to Macie first! What a gentleman! I'm so glad we were able to get the kids together to play and I hope we have a chance to do it again soon!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Then and Now
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Cuddle Time
Macie wasn't feeling well last weekend. She wanted me to make a "pilot" on the floor in the living room. Gavin wanted to lay on his pillow too. Love it!
At night, the kids both have dolls/stuffed animals they sleep with. In fact, Gavin has so many things in his bed, I don't know how he finds a place to sleep!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Just Like Macie
"Mama, hep me"
Tonight after dinner, we went outside to enjoy the awesome weather. Gavin is starting to climb more and more. I was looking up something on the computer and he looked over at me and said, "Mama, hep me". It was the cutest thing and I think my heart melted!
24 Week Doctor Appointment
Today I went to see Dr. Crutcher for my 24 week appointment. I haven't actually seen her for 9 weeks, so it was nice to catch up and get her opinion on every thing that has been going on. I wish I could have talked to her a long time ago, because she is so calm and reassuring. She was happy with my blood pressure and weight gain. The baby's heart rate was good, too. She said that I do have some factors against me (back to back pregnancies/high blood pressure/two vessel cord), but that I should be able to make it until my c-section date. I will probably have Lilah on December 19th, but we can't officially schedule it until I'm 28 weeks. Of course, anything can happen between now and then!
I did ask about the braxton hicks contractions and pressure I'm feeling and she said it was normal. With the third pregnancy, having two small children, and my job, I'm going to have to take it easy when I can. When I feel contractions, I'm supposed to sit down and relax and drink a bunch of water. If the contractions don't stop, I should call. I don't want to overreact, but I'm a little nervous about having her early, so hopefully all will go well!
My next appointment is going to be crazy! I see Dr. Crutcher and have my glucose screening. Right after, I go next door for my ultrasound at the Maternal Fetal Medicine office and see Dr. Turnquest. Talk about overwhelming!
As far as the pregnancy goes, I have good days and bad days. School is wiping me out, but I'm making it! Some cravings I've had this pregnancy are ramen noodles and Mr. B's. I just can't get enough!
I did ask about the braxton hicks contractions and pressure I'm feeling and she said it was normal. With the third pregnancy, having two small children, and my job, I'm going to have to take it easy when I can. When I feel contractions, I'm supposed to sit down and relax and drink a bunch of water. If the contractions don't stop, I should call. I don't want to overreact, but I'm a little nervous about having her early, so hopefully all will go well!
My next appointment is going to be crazy! I see Dr. Crutcher and have my glucose screening. Right after, I go next door for my ultrasound at the Maternal Fetal Medicine office and see Dr. Turnquest. Talk about overwhelming!
As far as the pregnancy goes, I have good days and bad days. School is wiping me out, but I'm making it! Some cravings I've had this pregnancy are ramen noodles and Mr. B's. I just can't get enough!
Dinner with the Maurers
Monday night, we had Rachel, Eric, and Anya over for dinner. It was a LONG OVER DUE visit! We just don't get to spend enough time with them anymore due to our crazy, hectic schedules. Brian grilled chicken and we had salad, mashed potatoes, and corn on the cob. Rachel also brought cookies for dessert. YUMMY! We had a great visit with them and the kids had fun playing with Anya now that she is walking. I didn't get any pictures because I was too busy talking. Gavin and Anya shared a few kisses...who knows...there may be a future there!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Zoo Fun
Monday, we went to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa. Aunt Allie joined us later. We hadn't been to our zoo in two months due to the heat (and the fact that I didn't want to push a double stroller by myself) but on Monday, the weather was perfect! In fact, it was a little chilly. We got there right as the zoo opened. I'm glad that we did, because when we left, there was a huge line to get in. We took our time wandering around the zoo and stayed for 2 1/2 hours. The kids had a great time. Macie walked pretty much the whole zoo and Gavin walked half of it for the first time. It amazes me how much more he can do in just 2 months. He is growing up so quickly...sigh!
We finally found out the rhino's name. Every time we go to the zoo, Macie wonders why Donna has a name, but the rhino doesn't. We found a zoo keeper to ask. The name is Maychee (I'm not sure how to spell it). It sounds a lot like Macie ironically! Overall, it was a great visit. After the zoo, we went to lunch at Hacienda (where Gavin discovered he LOVES salsa) and then headed home for a much needed nap. All four of us were able to get one!

We finally found out the rhino's name. Every time we go to the zoo, Macie wonders why Donna has a name, but the rhino doesn't. We found a zoo keeper to ask. The name is Maychee (I'm not sure how to spell it). It sounds a lot like Macie ironically! Overall, it was a great visit. After the zoo, we went to lunch at Hacienda (where Gavin discovered he LOVES salsa) and then headed home for a much needed nap. All four of us were able to get one!
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