Saturday, September 3, 2011

Grammie, Pops, and Uncle John

This morning, we headed to Sturgis for a visit. Macie was SUPER pumped all week about this visit. Not only was she going to see Grammie and Pops, but she was also going to see Uncle John. Now that he is back in school, we don't see him very often. The kids had a great visit and were pretty good. Brian and I even shopped at a yard sale across the street. Grammie had already gone earlier in the morning. We came home with a trash bag full of clothes! We stayed through lunch and then headed home so the kids could nap. They both fell asleep in the car fairly quickly, but neither one took a good nap. It made for a long afternoon and an early bedtime!

Macie couldn't wait for Grammie to braid her hair

Macie changed into a new dress from Grammie and Pops

What a crew! Gavin wanted to be in the picture too!

I love the way Macie is looking at Uncle John!

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