The kids woke up in great moods and pumped for the day. Macie and Gavin helped me make some cookies to take to daycare. They each wore their Halloween shirts and were ready for a great day. They had a fun day at daycare. After school, they ate a sucker from their treats and played for a while. We ate dinner in the living room while watching Dora's Halloween and the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. As part of dinner, I included some of the "treats" they got yesterday and we had plenty of choices for dessert! Macie was happy to greet trick or treaters. We had a record 39 this year! We usually don't get that many. After dinner, Brian and I gave the kids a little Halloween gift. We got each one of them a book. Overall, it was a great Halloween. I'm so glad that I'm able to make wonderful memories with my family. Just year we will have another member to enjoy it with!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Trick or Treating
Yesterday, we spent all day trick or treating. We decided to go on Sunday because we only visit family and I didn't want to go after work. For a week before, we practiced saying "trick or treat" and "thank you". We had a LONG day, but the kids were great and were spoiled rotten. Here's the breakdown of the day...

Parker loved the Curious George book we got him!
Macie's Tangled Hair

Ninja Gavin, Rapunzel (aka Tangled Princess) Macie, and Monkey Parker
Macie gave Judy a hug after getting a treat bag
Gavin wanted to give her a hug, but wasn't satisfied with just that. He wanted a kiss too!
Stop #2: Miss Crook's House
Grammie and Pops' neighbor, Miss Crook, is always so good to my kids. She had a goody bag of candy for each kid, a ball for Gavin, and a princess figurine for Macie. We didn't stay for long because we had to load up in the van.

Stop #3: Aunt Julie and Uncle Alan's House
Our first stop in Evansville was my Aunt Julie and Uncle Alan's house. They are my godparents and we've included them in our Halloween tradition. We had to wake the kids up when we got there, so it took a minute for Macie to warm up. Macie and Gavin each got another treat bag with a homemade cookie in it! Before we left their house, we stopped to see Pap. Pap was so excited to see the kids and ran inside to get the kids some candy!

Stop #4: Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Gary's House
After we left the Gaissers, we drove down the lane to visit Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Gary. They were excited to see the kids and Macie was out of her shell by then. They got fruit snacks, a juice box, and big Reese cups. Uncle Gary was working on their front porch and the kids were fascinated by all of the tools. We had a nice little visit and then we were on our way!

Stop #5: Aunt Allie's House
Aunt Allie's house was our next stop. We wanted to trick or treat at her house, but had no plans to stay long because we were all heading to my parents' house for dinner. Aunt Allie had a Dora book for Macie and an Elmo book for Gavin. She also got them a marshmallow treat. I gave the kids a quick snack of fruit snacks and a juice box. Then, we were off to our final stop!

Stop #6: Grandma and Grandpa's House
Our final stop of the day was my parents' house. It was nice to sit and relax for a bit. The kids each got a tub of cotton candy and a few other treats. They played outside and had a blast. We had another delicious meal of bbq chicken legs and sides. Overall the kids had a great day. We headed home a little before 6 and the kids were sound asleep by 6:15! What a great day!
Stop #1: Grammie and Pops' House
We got to Sturgis around 10:00. The kids got treats from Grammie and Pops, Aunt Katie, Aunt Beth, and Judy. It is crazy how much stuff they got! We were able to visit with everyone for a while and enjoy a yummy lunch of bbq chicken and bbq pork sandwiches. Grammie even had time to fix Macie's Rapunzel baby (her dress split the night before and Macie was panicked) . We left Sturgis a little after noon so the kids could nap and we could visit other places.

Stop #2: Miss Crook's House
Grammie and Pops' neighbor, Miss Crook, is always so good to my kids. She had a goody bag of candy for each kid, a ball for Gavin, and a princess figurine for Macie. We didn't stay for long because we had to load up in the van.
Stop #3: Aunt Julie and Uncle Alan's House
Our first stop in Evansville was my Aunt Julie and Uncle Alan's house. They are my godparents and we've included them in our Halloween tradition. We had to wake the kids up when we got there, so it took a minute for Macie to warm up. Macie and Gavin each got another treat bag with a homemade cookie in it! Before we left their house, we stopped to see Pap. Pap was so excited to see the kids and ran inside to get the kids some candy!
Stop #4: Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Gary's House
After we left the Gaissers, we drove down the lane to visit Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Gary. They were excited to see the kids and Macie was out of her shell by then. They got fruit snacks, a juice box, and big Reese cups. Uncle Gary was working on their front porch and the kids were fascinated by all of the tools. We had a nice little visit and then we were on our way!
Stop #5: Aunt Allie's House
Aunt Allie's house was our next stop. We wanted to trick or treat at her house, but had no plans to stay long because we were all heading to my parents' house for dinner. Aunt Allie had a Dora book for Macie and an Elmo book for Gavin. She also got them a marshmallow treat. I gave the kids a quick snack of fruit snacks and a juice box. Then, we were off to our final stop!
Stop #6: Grandma and Grandpa's House
Our final stop of the day was my parents' house. It was nice to sit and relax for a bit. The kids each got a tub of cotton candy and a few other treats. They played outside and had a blast. We had another delicious meal of bbq chicken legs and sides. Overall the kids had a great day. We headed home a little before 6 and the kids were sound asleep by 6:15! What a great day!
A Gift for Lilah
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Macie's 3 Year Photo Shoot
First BPP
On Tuesday, I had another doctor's appointment and my first Biophysical Profile (BPP). A BPP is an ultrasound in which you can earn 8 points. They are looking at the baby's movement, heart rate, amniotic fluid levels, and breathing. Lilah's (they checked and she's still a girl) heart rate, fluid levels, and breathing were great right away, but she wouldn't move! The ultrasound tech was pushing on my belly and nothing. Finally, she had me roll over on my side. It took a while, but Lilah started moving and got all of her points. I'm glad that she passed her first test!
They were also able to tell that she has a patch of hair on the back of her head. I wonder what color it will be. As far as her growth, they estimated her to be 4 pounds 2 ounces. That is still on the larger side. In fact, her belly is measuring a week and a half ahead, but her legs are a little behind. Long story short...she's measures ahead, big belly, short legs...yep that's my kid!
After my ultrasound, I had a long wait to meet with Dr. Crutcher. I didn't gain any weight the last two weeks and my blood pressure was great. After a quick chat, I was on my way. I go back next week (and every Tuesday after that) for another BPP. I can't believe that we are at this point in the pregnancy already.
They were also able to tell that she has a patch of hair on the back of her head. I wonder what color it will be. As far as her growth, they estimated her to be 4 pounds 2 ounces. That is still on the larger side. In fact, her belly is measuring a week and a half ahead, but her legs are a little behind. Long story short...she's measures ahead, big belly, short legs...yep that's my kid!
After my ultrasound, I had a long wait to meet with Dr. Crutcher. I didn't gain any weight the last two weeks and my blood pressure was great. After a quick chat, I was on my way. I go back next week (and every Tuesday after that) for another BPP. I can't believe that we are at this point in the pregnancy already.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Terrible Threes??
Not that we haven't had our challenges with Macie, but the last week or so she has been totally out of control! When she is at daycare or with someone else, she behaves pretty well. Then I get there and all hell breaks loose! Today, for example, she was whining from the minute I picked her up. When we got home, I gave both kids a snack and some juice. I also turned on Mickey like I always do. Nothing seemed to satisfy her. She started screaming and throwing a fit (about what I'm still not sure). After trying to reason with her, I finally picked her up, put her in her bed and shut/locked the door. For the last 10 minutes she has been screaming at the top of her lungs, banging on the door, and jumping up and down. I can honestly say she has NEVER done that before. I could make a million excuses (she's been sick, I've having a new baby soon, etc), but there is nothing that can justify this behavior. I don't know what I am going to do, but I have to be strong. Lord, help me!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Bye Bye Miss Tammy
Today was Gavin's last therapy session! Last year, on November 1st, Dr. Voyles made a referral to First Steps and we started this whole process. This year on November 2nd I will sign the discharge papers. It is hard to believe that one year later we are done with it! When we first started we had no idea what all was going on with Gavin. Since starting therapy, he can walk/climb/run. He also puts 2-4 words together. He can do puzzles, match pictures, knows over 75 words, stacks blocks, feeds himself, and walks around pointing/naming everything! While it is very bittersweet, it is also such a relief. Not only because our little boy is back on track, but it also takes something off of our plates. We loved Miss Tammy and will miss her. Gavin gave her some chocolate and a hug. What more could a person ask for??
Monday, October 17, 2011
Macie Macie Macie
I know I've been blogging a lot about Macie lately, but it seems like she's had a lot going on. Here are a few other random things...
Macie's Song: Macie and another little girl at daycare made up a new song. The lyrics go something like this... "I'm a little kid, I'm a little kid, I'm a little kid (repeat, repeat, repeat)" Future career choice...let's hope not!
Tangled Baby: Judy, Grammie's good friend, got Macie Baby Rapunzel (aka Tangled Baby) for her birthday. She is thrilled and the doll looks a lot like Macie!

Hi Ho Cherry O: Macie has been dying to play her new game. I've been wanting to get her a few games (and Santa just may bring her a few), but have waited until she was old enough to play them. She actually did a great job. I kept the game and rules very simple. We had to wait until there a good time and Gavin was asleep. Unfortunately for Gavin, he was sick today and stayed home with Daddy. When I got home, he took a nap, so Brian and I had a chance to sit at the kitchen table and play with her. We played four times and she won every time. I can't believe she is old enough to not only play a game but also wait her turn and follow the rules. I was super proud of her!
Macie's Song: Macie and another little girl at daycare made up a new song. The lyrics go something like this... "I'm a little kid, I'm a little kid, I'm a little kid (repeat, repeat, repeat)" Future career choice...let's hope not!
Tangled Baby: Judy, Grammie's good friend, got Macie Baby Rapunzel (aka Tangled Baby) for her birthday. She is thrilled and the doll looks a lot like Macie!
Hi Ho Cherry O: Macie has been dying to play her new game. I've been wanting to get her a few games (and Santa just may bring her a few), but have waited until she was old enough to play them. She actually did a great job. I kept the game and rules very simple. We had to wait until there a good time and Gavin was asleep. Unfortunately for Gavin, he was sick today and stayed home with Daddy. When I got home, he took a nap, so Brian and I had a chance to sit at the kitchen table and play with her. We played four times and she won every time. I can't believe she is old enough to not only play a game but also wait her turn and follow the rules. I was super proud of her!
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