Monday, October 17, 2011

Macie Macie Macie

I know I've been blogging a lot about Macie lately, but it seems like she's had a lot going on. Here are a few other random things...

Macie's Song: Macie and another little girl at daycare made up a new song. The lyrics go something like this... "I'm a little kid, I'm a little kid, I'm a little kid (repeat, repeat, repeat)" Future career choice...let's hope not!

Tangled Baby: Judy, Grammie's good friend, got Macie Baby Rapunzel (aka Tangled Baby) for her birthday. She is thrilled and the doll looks a lot like Macie!

Hi Ho Cherry O: Macie has been dying to play her new game. I've been wanting to get her a few games (and Santa just may bring her a few), but have waited until she was old enough to play them. She actually did a great job. I kept the game and rules very simple. We had to wait until there a good time and Gavin was asleep. Unfortunately for Gavin, he was sick today and stayed home with Daddy. When I got home, he took a nap, so Brian and I had a chance to sit at the kitchen table and play with her. We played four times and she won every time. I can't believe she is old enough to not only play a game but also wait her turn and follow the rules. I was super proud of her!

Aquadoodle: Tonight while Brian was making dinner, I cleaned out Macie's art basket. It was long overdue. Macie rediscovered her Aquadoodle. I'm loving that she plays so much differently now and has a much longer attention span!

Future Photographer: I've joked for a while now that Macie may follow in her aunt's footsteps. Tonight, she took a few pictures and this one just cracked me up!

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