Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nursing and Recovery

Overall, nursing has been going so well. The most interesting part has been how Macie and Gavin have responded. Before Lilah was born, Macie was concerned because we didn't have any bottles. I got out some and showed her that we did have some, but that Mommy would feed Lilah at first. The first night home, we let the kids eat dinner in the living room. I sat in my "green chair" as Macie calls it and started to feed Lilah. Both kids just kept looking at me. Their faces were priceless! They were trying to process everything that was happening. I didn't want to hide it from them and I've tried to make it as normal and no big deal as possible. Macie has asked a ton of questions and finally just said, "Oh, you feed her from your belly?" I said, "Yes!" That sounds better than the other option. Every time I lift or move my shirt, Gavin will say, "Feed Lilah" or he will point to the other side and say, "that turn now?"

The recovery, like my pregnancy, has been the most challenging yet! I guess adding the tubal caused a little more pain on my right side than I'd anticipated. Not to mention the cough (which causes my incision to hurt) and nursing the 3rd time around is PAINFUL! I talked to so many people who talk about their horror stories. It does make me feel better that I'm not just a total baby! My feet swelled so bad it looked like my toes were going to pop off and I've had a lot of issues with bowel movements...or lack there of! I am so grateful that this is the last time I'm going to go through this!

Little Miss Lilah is as sweet as can be! She really is a good baby. She typically only has one fussy period a night. Other than that, she sleeps 3 to 4 hours between feedings. During the day, she eats a lot more often which is fine by me. Yesterday was the first day for just the two of us. It was also her first snow! The house is a lot quieter with Brian at work and the other two at daycare. I definitely needed this time though. It is hectic enough bringing home a newborn with two small children already at home. Adding Christmas to the mix was a bit much. I'm enjoying my bonding time with her.


Holly said...

After I had Ewan, my legs were so swollen that I could barely get my pants on to come home! I think with all the fluid they give you it's totally normal. Also, take Colace, several times a day, if you aren't already. I have coupons if you want them!

Kelly said...

I got the breastfeeding book, you recommended, at the library today. Looking forward to reading it:))