Sunday, March 31, 2013

Night at Grammie and Pops’

It has been a year since Macie spent the night at Grammie and Pops’ house by herself.  Brian took her Friday morning and she was able to spend all of Friday and Friday night with Grammie and Pops.  We went on Saturday morning to spend the day and celebrate Easter.  Macie had a great time.  Aunt Katie bought her new pjs and she helped Grammie make a cake.  Macie was very well behaved and I know that she thrived on the special attention!


Aunt Katie curled her hair Saturday morning and Grammie let her have this bunny mask because they weren’t able use it on their cake.  The cake fell apart and Macie thought it was hilarious!


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a fun time! Our girls haven't ever had a night at their grandparents houses alone! The 14 hour drive deters it a bit

The Mitchell Family said...

Yeah, ours is only a one our drive!