Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Meeting Felix

Our Godson, Felix Todd, was born on April 3rd very early in the morning.  Unfortunately, we were in the middle of everyone being sick.  We decided to stay clear from them until we were 100% better.  I was so bummed we couldn’t meet him at the hospital, but knew it was for the best!  Sunday afternoon after naps, we headed to the Maurer house.  We brought them mini bbq chicken sandwiches (on home made rolls), potato salad, and chocolate chip peanut butter cookies.  We know how helpful it can be to get a meal when you have a newborn! 

The kids played so well together and we were able to visit for about two hours.  We also got some snuggle time in with Felix.  We look forward to watching him grow up and hope to hang out with them again soon!


I guess he was getting hungry, because he was trying to eat my hair!



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