Saturday, May 4, 2013


Macie and I met with Father Burns on Friday afternoon.  She has been really upset lately because she can't hear Aunt Nancy and Papaw anymore, she can only see them and play with them.  We haven't been able to meet with "Dr. Angie" because she had an emergency last time, so Father thought it would be good to meet with him.  He prayed over Macie and gave her a necklace to protect her and help her to not be so afraid.  On the necklace is a medal for Mary and St. Padre Pio.  The necklace is beautiful.  It is one that Father used to wear and blessed in Italy. 
Macie was very quiet and shy during the meeting.  Afterwards, she hasn't stopped talking about it and showing off her necklace.  Brian and I are terrified she is going to lose it, because she doesn't really understand how important it is.  I am just praying that she will find some peace with all of this.

Gavin learned a new trick at Grammie's this week!  Landon taught him to pee in the potty while standing up!  He also pooped in the potty without the potty seat.  As soon as we got home, he literally threw the potty seat in the trash!  (I took it out to wash up and save for Lilah)  I was planning to take away the potty seat this summer, and he just made it easier for me!

Lilah is growing up way too fast!  When I came home from Indy, I noticed right away that she was "talking" more!  She is saying more and more legible words everyday and babbling constantly.  She even says her own name, which isn't easy to say!  I love it!  On the other hand, she has started throwing temper tantrums.  Like throwing herself on the ground. not cool!

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