Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lilah’s Day #6

Unfortunately, Lilah and I didn’t have the best day today.  When I picked her up from daycare yesterday, she was a bit whiny and as soon as I got her out of her car seat, she was burning up.  I took her temp and it was 102.1.  I gave her meds all night, but she wasn’t eating or sleeping well and her fever never broke.  I decided to call Dr. V to see if he would see her.  I was worried she had an ear infection and Brian and I are going out of town this weekend.  Sure enough, she had an ear infection.  He prescribed some meds and we were on our way.  After the appointment, we met Grandpa for lunch at Hacienda and then ran a few errands.  It wasn’t a very exciting day and she was stuck to my hip, but we survived.


I did get one smile today!  Love it!

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