Sunday, February 22, 2015

Dear Lilah

Dear Lilah, are you already 3?  You are such a lively little girl and I can't imagine our family without you.  You are a Mama's girl and are either stuck to my side or into something.  You have no fear and do not want to be a baby anymore.  You often remind me that "baby means love" when I call you my baby.  You love Buzzby, Cailou, and many other shows, Doc Stuffins, and your babies.  You aren't the best eater, but you can snack with the best of them!  You are always asking for a snack or treat.  You have a huge vocabulary and are very physical.  You have a sweet and caring side, but also a lot of sass.  You aren't afraid to stand up for yourself or let your voice be heard!  You've been spending your days with Grandma and love going to her "school".  You guys have had a great time together at the library, doing puzzles, and so much more.  You love the chickens and were one of the first to hold them.  You are small, but mighty and I know God has great things in store for you!  
Always remember, you are smart, kind, beautiful, and important.  I love you to the moon and back!


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