Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Homeschool Highlights

Yardsale Finds: The girls and I hit up a retired teacher sale and were able to get 66 items for $24.25!  The girls picked out a bunch of books and I was happy to get a lot of second grade stuff and higher level books!

 Weekly Graph: I wanted to use this graphing book that I used with my class every year, but I knew that having only five people would be no fun.  So, I enlisted some family and the response has been great!  Every Monday, I text out the question and we graph the answers as they come in.  At the end of the week, we talk about the graph.  The kids love seeing what everyone says!

 School wears this little girl out!

 Lilah's person now has a lot more parts!

 M&Ms, Frogs, and Counting Bears make Math a lot more fun!  Thanks Aunt Katie and Grammie!

 Science Catch Up Day

 School On the Go!: We've had to do school on the go due to our chaotic life.  The kids have done school in the car on the way to Riley, at Grandma's, at Grammie's, and even at Church during Adoration.  I make a checklist for each child and then pack everything they need into a backpack.  So far, the system is really working and flexibility was one of the pros of homeschooling for us!

Lilah's getting better at writing her name!

 Writing: Brainstorming Web about Pets

 Third Thursday Science: I was able to sign Macie and Gavin up for a science program at Wesselman Park.  Once a month, they go for an hour and a half.  The topic changes each month and it is pretty cheap.  It is a drop off program, so for now I get a chance to hang out with Lilah.  In January, I will be able to drop all three of them off for an hour and a half..say what!?! This first class was about water and they learned a ton and haven't stopped talking about it.  Lilah and I went to the bank, Aldi, and walked the trails while we were waiting for them.  At the end, they all came together and sang a little song.

 Locust!: Every time the kids find an interesting bug or critter, they want me to take a picture of it and send it to Uncle Gary.  Macie was so excited because she found a Locust bug that was still in its shell.  Typically, we find the empty shells.  He texted us back and told us to look up a nighthawk because they eat those.  It was a fun little mini lesson.  I love when my kids are excited about learning!

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