Each month, I am going to attempt to evaluate how I am doing with my 2016 Intentions. Here is how I did in January:
1. Catch up on the blog (including Disney!) - Well, I've started blogging again...hope to catch up this month!
2. Visit Grams B 2x a Month (0/24) - Total Fail! We will visit this month
3. Finish Daily Dose of Knowledge: Bible with Brian - We are reading this every night!
4. Visit each of Brian's grandparents 2x other than holidays (0/4)
5. Complete the 12 Months of Family Fun board we gave the kids for Christmas (1/12) - We had a family choice dinner and went putt putting since our play was cancelled.
6. Cross off 35 things from my 101 in 1001 list (11/35) - I've crossed off 11 things and started a few more!
7. Follow a strict budget - Compared to 2015, we are doing great, but I'd like us to be a bit stricter!
8. Keep track of all of Gavin's Appointments and Procedures in 2016 - Done! Only one this year...what!?!?!?!
9. Work on my weight loss and do something active at least 3x a week - I'm down 15 pounds, but need to be more active for sure.
10. Make Disney scrapbooks with the kids
11. Spend 30 minutes each day really playing with the kids - While I can't say I've done this every day, I've done it more days than not, which is a success!
12. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night - Most nights I've done this!
13. Drink at least 64oz of water every day - I was doing really well with this and have slacked off and boy can I tell a difference!
14. Keep up our new bed time routine (Bible stories, down time, lights out at 8) - This has made our life so much better!
15. Get Gavin a wheelchair (Fitting 1/14) - Fitting completed and we should get the chair in a few months.
16. Visit the Indianapolis Children's Museum 4x by November 30th (1/14, ) - We went once and plan to go later this month!
1/14 -Wheelchair Fitting
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