Friday, June 10, 2016

January 2016 ~ Part 2

Morning Journal:
 Yoga Pose:
 Double Loom:

 Lilah's First Science Class:

 I'm Already Embarrassing him!: They had a journal prompt of "I was most embarrassed when..." and Gavin wrote "my mom did something funny". 
 Happy Birthday, Emma!:

 Block Tower:

 First Time Putt Putting: We were supposed to go to a play that was cancelled due to the snow.  We took them putt putting instead. All of them did great, but Macie got two holes in one!

 Happy Birthday, Grammie!: We took Grammie lunch on her birthday.

 How many people does it take to feed one baby?
 Super Comfy:

 Poke ball Cupcake Cake for Gavin's Birthday:

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