S Week ~ Square Art:
P Week ~ Painting with Pudding: Several years ago, I was watching a tv show and the mom let the kids paint themselves and their siblings with pudding. I thought it sounded like a fun and crazy idea. I've had it in the back of my mind for a long time and we finally got around to it on Saturday. Lilah's letter this week was P so it worked out perfectly. I gave them each a cup of vanilla pudding and a paintbrush. I dressed them in clothes I didn't care about and let them go to town. I had the hose and showers ready when they were done. Gavin was over it the fastest, but the girls had a great time!Self Portrait: I was pretty impressed with Macie's self portrait in her I Am Special Book. She loves all things art!
Making Goo: We did a few of the science experiments out of our science project book. We made blue goo and learned about bending light. The kids love to do experiments and I love when they are simple and require items I already have on hand!
Sock Puppets: I do not know about you, but we always have a ton of socks laying around missing their mate. Sock puppets were another project I've wanted to do with the kids for a while. Since Lilah's letter was S last week and P this week, it was perfect timing! I'm so happy with how they turned out.
Zoo Trip: Today, we went to the zoo and renewed our membership. I was happy to get it renewed because we are starting an animal unit in science next month. Grandpa, Grandma, and Aunt Allie joined us. We wandered around the zoo for three hours and then Grandpa treated us to lunch.
Field Trip Journal: In order for something to count as a field trip for school, I make them write in their field trip journals. When we were doing that this afternoon, I took a look back at Lilah's writing from a year ago. Even though I still have her tracing the letters, you can see a huge difference in her fine motor control!
What are some highlights from your Homeschool this week?
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