Thursday, October 13, 2016

Dear Macie

*If you hadn't noticed, all previously scheduled blog posts have been postponed because today is Macie's birthday.  She is is this possible!?!?!?!?! As is tradition, I write each child a letter on their birthday.

Dear Macie,

Where do I even begin?  How are you 8?  Don't I say that every year?  You are growing so very fast and always like to point that out to me.  You are my first born love and the one who made me a mommy.  You have the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen and when you are happy they sparkle and shine.  You experience and feel all emotions to the fullest.  You still love soccer and your foot skills have greatly improved this year.  You are amazingly artistic and love all things crafty.  Your love of reading has taken off lately and it makes my mama heart happy.  School is so much more pleasant this year as we've settled into a routine and you are "rockin it"!  You've worked really hard this year with Mommy and Dr. Below and I'm really proud of you.  You remember everything just like your mama and love to create things.
I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for you.  I'll be there with you every step of the way!  Always remember: you are loved, you are smart, you are beautiful, you are kind, you are important!

All my love,

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