Sunday, January 8, 2017

Homeschool Highlights

Writing ~ Sequencing Snake: When we used this graphic organizer, we talked about making sure that stories had a beginning, middle, and end.
 Writing ~ Say It/Write It: 

 D is for Dots!:

 Macie's Writing Journal:
 F is for Fingerprints:
 Mneme Therapy:
 Above: The Christmas Tree
Below: The Christmas Blizzard
 100th Day Fun ~ Making Snow: Gavin got several science kits for Christmas and he is pumped.  On our 100th day, we made snow.

100th Day Fun ~ Playing Games: We also played a few games that the kids got for Christmas.  Macie got a new game called Count Your Chickens and it was fun to play.  It's a cooperative game where everyone has to work together and win or lose together.  Grandma and Grandpa got our family Colts' Checkers and we played several rounds of that.

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