Mater Dei Football Game ~ Brian and Gavin went with Chad and CJ to a Mater Dei game again this year. Unfortuately, they lost, but Gavin had a really good time!
Leaf Prints ~ While the boys were at the game, the girls and I did some painting. We did some leaf print painting and made a few Christmas gifts. The leaf prints turned out Ok, but not as well as we'd hoped. It was fun and we had another night making memories and spending time together!
Save the Turkey ~ Mr. Turkey didn't want to be eaten for Thanksgiving, so Lilah was assigned the job of disguising him so he could be saved. At first, she wanted to turn him into a leaf, but then we decided he'd be better hidden in a pile of leaves. We were supposed to work together and it was fun collecting the leaves, making the rake, and helping her with this. She was so proud of the final product!
24 Hour EEG ~ Gavin had a 24 Hour EEG on November 6th and 7th. We left at 3ish in the morning on Monday and then spent 24 hours in a room. I brought school work and snacks to keep Gavin busy. He was also allowed to play Super Mario Brothers on the wii. He had a student nurse that helped to keep him occupied as well. We just got the results back and he didn't have any seizures. They did detect a "slowing" in the brain which is caused from having developmental delay. He did have that as a baby/toddler. They assured me that wouldn't cause the zoning out. I'm glad we did the test, but no real answers.
Box Car Children ~ Lilah and Gavin put their makedo kits to work and made a car for them to play in. I swear, kids get just as much, if not more, entertainment from the box as they do what comes in it!
MRI ~ We came back home for one night on Nov 7th and to see Lilah and then were back at the hospital on the 8th for an MRI of the brain, abdomen, and pelvis. They were looking at the brain because he's started having a lot of headaches and migraines. They looked at the abdomen/pelvis to check for vascular lesions in the urinary tract. Overall, they didn't find anything new. I always have mixed feelings about that. I don't want them to find anything wrong, but at the same time, I'm not getting any answers.
Gavin is a reading machine! He read 3 chapter books this day and read 6 that week! |
Dress Up Diva and Sign Maker ~ Lilah cracks me up! When she comes home from school, I have her change out of her uniform right away so we can keep them decent. Well, she doesn't just change into play clothes, she gets fully dressed! This is what she had on to ride bikes one day!
She's also been making Brian and I signs. I have to say that her handwriting has greatly improved since starting kindergarten. She even drew us bubble letters!
Meeting Baby Hudson ~ Uncle John and Erin had a baby! Hudson Anderson Holt joined this world on November 9th. We really wanted to go when he was born, but I'd spent most of the week at Riley with Gavin, Macie had been gone in Sturgis, it was a school night, and we were having car trouble. The kids wouldn't have been able to see him anyway, so we decided to make the trip a week later. It was a great visit and I got in plenty of Hudson snuggles. He is a doll baby and we can't wait to go back!
Thanksgiving Christmas Singers ~ It is a tradition on my mom's side that after we eat the meal on Thanksgiving, we sing Christmas songs while doing the dishes. My aunt made up song books years ago. She offered them to the girls so they could practice and perform a few songs. They were so cute singing. Hannah and Macie took turns singing verses and Lilah just went along with both. You couldn't even see her face above the book!
Selfies ~
Christmas Decorating ~ The Saturday after Thanksgiving, we decorated the house for Christmas. I had three little elves to help and I have to say it was the least stressed I've been decorating. It was so much more enjoyable!
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow ~ Leland had the lead in his school play! The girls and I went. He did such a great job! I was one proud godmama!
Book in a Bag ~ Every other week, Lilah brings home a book in bag that she is supposed to read to every member of her family. She takes this literally and reads to Emilee...even if she is asleep!