Monday, November 20, 2017


One of my 2017 Intentions was to write 17 posts about blessings in my life to help purge negativity.  I'm finally getting around to it in this #Blessed series.  

The number 1 Blessing in my life that I am most grateful for is my FAITH.

I honestly do not know where I would be without my faith.  As crazy as my life is and as difficult as it is to function at times, I've grown deeper and stronger in my faith instead of  pushing it away.  It is my calm in the storm and grounds me when I need it the most.  Going to Mass on Sundays, reading the Bible together as a family each night, spending time with God praying the Rosary or just listening to him, and teaching my kids how to live the faith bring me such peace and joy.

I have such negativity and ugliness thrown at me on a regular basis, so I am blessed to say that my FAITH is what carries me through and helps me to move forward being the best person I can be!  At the end of the day, my relationship with GOD is what matters the most and I strive to have a closer relationship with him every day I am here on this  Earth and look forward to being with him in my eternal home in heaven.

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