Sick, Sick Baby: Lilah was so so sick in January. After two negative flu tests and negative strep test, Dr. Voyles finally diagnosed her with the actual stomach flu (we use that term too loosely). She was losing weight and couldn't keep anything down. Even one oyster cracker was too much for her stomach. Once we started zofran, it worked and she slowly got back to herself. If not, the next step would have been IV fluids..yuck!
Snow Days: Lilah went back to school for one day before the snow days hit!Shopkins Live: Lilah's birthday present was for me to take her to Shopkins Live! Well, a big snow storm came and almost deterred our plans. It was a scary drive there, but we made it. Because a lot of people didn't show up, we were able to move up in seats. She loved it and that's what matters the most!
Morris Visit: We finally got to hang out with the Morris family. They gave the kids their old PS3. Gavin has been in heaven! We had soup which was perfect for a snowy day. Lilah even did Wendy's hair!
Macie's Hair: Macie worked really hard on her hair one morning and straightened it the best she could!
Snuggle Time!:
Magic Mixer and Easy Bake Oven: The girls both got new refils for their Magic Mixer and Easy Bake Oven for Christmas. They were dying to make something. It was the perfect thing to do on a snow day. Gavin helped Lilah read the directions!
WW: Brian and I both joined Weight Watchers. I joined the day after Christmas and he joined mid January. In this picture, we are down a combined 19.8 pounds!
Happy Birthday, Emma!: The girls and I went to Elite Air for Emma's birthday party. They had a great time, but I was less than impressed with the chaotic place and won't be sad if I don't go back.
I finally made it back to the Y!:So Excited!: Macie was so excited to finish her school work!
Happy Birthday, Wesley!: The kids and I went to Wesley's birthday party. It was a rainy, yucky day, but the setting was awesome at the farm!
Like Old People: Macie said she was reading the newspaper like "old people"!
Car Selfies:
Y Walking Buddy: On Sunday, I take the girls with me and we walk on the track at the Y since it's usually not that busy.
Furr Dinner: We've been getting together for dinners with the Furr family. Since Annie is doing WW too, we share ideas and eat a WW friendly meal!
Gavin's Birthday Dinner: Gavin picked Red Lobster for his birthday dinner. He tried crab legs for the first time and was in heaven!!
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