Sunday, February 8, 2009


Tonight, we put Macie's highchair to good use and gave her cereal for the first time. Dr. Voyles said to give it to her at 4 months, but she just wasn't getting full enough at feeding time. Plus, she will be 4 months on Friday. The feeding didn't go too badly...we gave her most of her bottle first so that she wasn't starving and she seemed to like it. We added the rest to her bottle at the end. Hopefully, this will help her sleep more soundly at night and hold her off in between meals!
I like this stuff!
Well, at least what is making it into my mouth!
All done!

1 comment:

thebairdfamily said...


I loved the pics of Macie! What a sweetheart! I can't believe how big she's getting (even though she's still looks little). Does that make any sence?

Tammy Baird