As hectic and crazy as the days can be, there are always moments that make me smile! Today when I was changing
Macie's diaper, I asked her if she knew whose diapers were behind the glider. I said, I think they are yours, what do you think? She tapped her cheek three times. (On My Friends
Tigger and Pooh they say "think, think, think" and tap the side of their head). I started cracking up!
Then, I walked into the kitchen and saw this...

Too sweet! He is holding on to stuff now. I love it!

The best moment of my day came when Macie held out her little hands and asked to hold Gavin. She has done this before, but we haven't really let her hold him since Valentine's Day. I thought, why not? She was the sweetest thing! She was so excited and didn't want me to take him back! He is almost as big as her!!

Proud big sister

Gavin started to slide down so I decided it was long enough!
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