Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer Projects

I am finally getting a moment to sit down and make a list of my summer projects. I don't normally post this, but maybe if I do it will make me complete it. I'm holding myself accountable so to speak. The problem is, this list is just for home. I will have to make a different list for all of the school projects that need to be completed. Well, here it goes:

  • Buy frames/Hang Pictures: hospital pictures, Gavin's picture collage

  • Scrapbooking: get caught up on Gavin's first year, Harmonie trip, Pops' stories for Macie, Brian and I's book

  • Read three books for pleasure

  • Have a yard sale (clean out/organize house while finding a bunch of crap to get rid of)
  • Rip out bushes in front of house and redo landscaping (with help of Brian)
  • Hang all new interior doors and paint (with help of dad and Brian)

  • Set aside days to just focus on time with the kids

The list seems short, but the days fill up all too quickly! Random note...this is my 400th post!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I have a summer to do list as well. i may have to post mine for a little accountability:))
I agree that the summer always seems to fly by and before long the summer is gone and my to do list is still unfinished!!!