Friday, August 19, 2011

30 Years

On August 8th, my parents celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary. My sisters and I decided to throw them a party. We invited their siblings and spouses, their parents, and friends who were in the wedding. Instead of making it a surprise party, we sent them an invitation in the mail. They were quite shocked! We had the party on Sunday, August 14th at Allie's house. We had a table full of food and everyone had a great time. I'm so glad that we were able to do something special for them!
*I decided to post the pictures not rotated. Pardon the problem until I figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Mom was teary eyed within minutes of being there!
In typical Boyles girl fashion, we had to add a funny twist. We came up with 30 reasons why we were surprised they were still married. Everyone got a kick out of it!

This was their guest book from the wedding. We had people sign in at the party.

Mom's wedding dress

The shirt dad was wearing when my parent's met

Opening gifts...notice Macie isn't too far away!

Macie posing

Macie even got to help open one gift!

The happy couple!

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