Before I was even pregnant, Brian and I decided that if we had another baby, we weren't going to find out the sex. I stuck to my guns and was totally cool with not finding out. Then, it just seemed like one thing after another kept happening. I've already had four ultrasounds and I could have as many as 8-12 more. How was I realistically not going to find out? Brian and I talked about it and decided to just do it. All along I thought the baby was a boy (although at the last ultrasound I thought I saw it was a girl, but I didn't tell anyone but Brian) and I was WRONG. We had a poll on the side and it was close, but they were wrong too. This baby is a GIRL! Lilah Jean Mitchell will be joining our family in a few short months. Brian was excited because he was right! Macie is beside her self and talks about "Liwah" every day!
After the ultrasound, they asked us to wait in a room for Dr. Turquest. They warned us that she'd been called for an emergency, but acted like it wouldn't be too long. We waited an hour and forty minutes. Thank God my mom was in the room with me or I would have gone crazy. When she finally came in, she went over all of the possible complications that could happen with a two vessel cord (malformations with heart, kidneys, and other organs; growth restrictions; preterm labor). She went on to say that Lilah's growth was good (she weighs 1 pound) and that no malformations were detected. The pictures of the heart were a little fuzzy, so she called for a repeat on those. I go back in 6 weeks for another ultrasound to measure growth and to get a closer look at the heart. Now, the big concern is her continued growth. Because I also have high blood pressure, I will have lots of ultrasounds for growth and close monitoring. Nothing can be guaranteed though. There are some things that can't be detected by ultrasound (like all of Gavin's issues) and they also offered me an amniocentesis. I declined because it is risky and it wouldn't change anything. I go back to see Dr. Crutcher in a few weeks, so I'm anxious to talk to her and see what she was to say.

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