Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pictures Courtesy of Macie

Allie hosted a 31 party for Beth on Friday night, so Beth, Wil, and Parker came over for a visit. Wil and Parker stayed to play while Beth and I went to the party. I was taking a few pictures of the kids and then Macie wanted to give it a try. I took the first two and the last four are courtesy of Macie!

Macie was super wound up when they got here!

And now for Macie's pictures...

I see Parker!

There's the rest of him!

Finally...a whole Parker...Aunt Beth helped!


Beth said...
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Beth said...

It's so funny how Parker's head shot lines up so well with the other photo of his bottom half. I love Miss Macie!

(sorry, i had to delete the first comment b/c there was a typo)