Lilah has had a few not so fun firsts the last few days. Sunday night, we got some bad storms. Before kids, I would have slept right through it. Now, I get a lot more paranoid. Brian and I watched the tv for a while. They kept talking about winds that were 60+ miles an hour and suggested staying away from windows. All of my kids sleep by a window. I told Brian I wanted to take them in the bathroom for the worst part. Unfortunately, they were all asleep. We put a blanket in the bath tub and laid Lilah on it. Then, I held Gavin and Brian held Macie. We didn't turn the light on and only used a flashlight hoping the kids would stay asleep. Lilah did, but the other two ended up waking up. Macie knew right away that there was a storm because we'd practiced doing this before. We assured her everything would be fine. Thankfully the kids were in good spirits and went straight back to sleep after a drink of milk.
Yesterday, Lilah was fussy all day long. She wouldn't let me put her down. I was exhausted and unshowered when Brian and the kids got home. He held her and thought she felt a little warm, so he took her temp. Under the arm it was 99.2 and rectally it was 99.6. For a 5 week old baby, this was a little scary. None of my kids have had a temp this young. We called the after hours line and they said to take it again in two hours. If it got to 100.2, she would need to be seen. I was feeling guilty that I didn't realize she had a fever and really worried we were going to be making a trip to the ER. I called my mom to give her a heads up. She agreed to come and stay with the kids if we needed her. Thankfully, right before we took her temp again, I noticed she was sweaty. I was hoping that meant her fever broke and it did! She seems to be better today.
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