Macie is so excited! She now has a pair of Care Bear scrubs. (Thank you Hannah Broeker!) Her doctor outfit is complete!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Tonight, Lilah entered the world of veggies! As is the Mitchell tradition, she had peas first. She seemed to really like them at first. She was gobbling them down. Then, she started choking on them and spitting some up. I'm not really sure what happened, but we will see how it goes tomorrow. Once I make sure she doesn't have any reactions to the peas, I will introduce the rest of the five main veggies. Next up...fruit!
Finger Painting
After dinner, we did some finger painting. I hate to admit that Macie got the paper and paint for her 2nd birthday. Yes, that's right...a year and a half ago! Tonight, we finally got around to doing it. I think the kids were a little bit in shock that we were actually letting them paint with their fingers. In fact, they started out using only one finger at a time. By the end, Macie's hands were covered. I know they had fun and were proud of their work. Hopefully, it won't take me a year and a half to let them do it again!
Macie was smelling the paint...
Gavin's Masterpiece
Macie's Masterpiece
Good thing it was bath night!
Aunt Annie and Uncle Charles got Lilah a pig for Easter. We put it on her car seat. Tonight when we were eating dinner, we heard the music going off. She had grabbed onto the feet and was pulling at it. It was the first time she's done that. I feel like within the last week or so, Lilah has really grown up. I've said it once, but I'll say it doesn't matter if it's my first child or third, I love watching each and every moment and helping them meet each and every milestone!
Simple Math
Head congestion + cranky baby = less than three hours of sleep
less than three hours of sleep + daddy working late = grumpy mama
refund from hospital + refund from cell phone = happier mama
sleep +finding out our brake pads were covered under a warranty that was due to expire in 10 days = even happier mama
happier mama + 3 kiddos + daddy = one day full of family memories
less than three hours of sleep + daddy working late = grumpy mama
refund from hospital + refund from cell phone = happier mama
sleep +finding out our brake pads were covered under a warranty that was due to expire in 10 days = even happier mama
happier mama + 3 kiddos + daddy = one day full of family memories
Morning O' Fun
This morning, we were supposed to do the March of Dimes Walk for Babies, but we didn't make it. My dad ended up being sick, plus Brian and I were wiped out. We decided to make other plans. We took the van in to get the brakes worked on. While they were doing that, we took the kids to Wesselmen's to play. After that, we went to the bank and then to Cheddars for lunch. We had a gift card and we loved it from last weekend. We picked up the van on the way home. We had a fun morning and the kids were so well behaved and sweet. Too bad they weren't so sweet when it came to nap time!

The monkey bars are a lot lower there and the kids loved to hang on them!
Macie was super sweet to her brother and sister. When we were waiting at Cheddars, Gavin was starting to wander off. She went and got him, held his hand and said, "Here buddy, stand here with me." Then when we got home, I went to get them out of the car and found her hand on Lilah's face!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Dr. Macie
This afternoon, I walk into the kitchen and find Dr. Macie at work on her patient. Caught in the act!
This is what I hear: "It's Ok buddy, Calm down Gavin, Gavin, Gavin, it's Ok buddy" She said that about 25 times before her sweet calm voice started getting a little agitated. Then she said, "Gavin, calm down buddy, put your arm here buddy, ugghh!!!" I was cracking up inside...think she's heard that a time or two before??
Gavin had to have a turn being doctor, too!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Bed Time: Last night went relatively well for Gavin's first night in his big boy bed. We did find him asleep on the floor twice, but other than that he did great! This morning, he didn't get out of bed until I told him he could get up. Let's hope he keeps it up!
Gavin Appointments: Today, I had a meeting at First Steps. The meeting was to do an re-evaluation. They were supposed to set up the time for it today, but we couldn't get ahold of the office in Corydon. Hopefully, I'll hear back soon. I'm not sure if Gavin will qualify for therapy or not, but we wanted to look into it again. We were happy to find out that he would be able to have the same therapist. I also heard back from Dr. Haggstrom's office and they moved up his appointment. We are now going to go back to Indy on May 21st. I want her to look at him and see what she thinks. I'm hoping to get some more information. He also has the ENT appointment in June. Hopefully, we can figure something out. I worry so much about that little guy!
Lilah's 4 Month Check Up: This afternoon, I took Lilah to see Dr. Voyles for her 4 month check up. She weighs 13 pounds 13 ounces (42nd percentile) and is 24 inches long (28th percentile). Her percentages pretty much stayed the same from her 2 month appointment. Dr. Voyles was happy with her progress. We talked about her eating/sleeping habits and how they are out of whack right now. We plan to increase her bottles to 6ounces and increase the time inbetween to 4 hours. Once she adjusts to this schedule, we are going to add veggies. Dr. V pointed out that the little white bumps on her arms and back were called "milk bumps". He said they will go away. There was only one concern from the visit. When Dr. V looked in her diaper, he noticed that she had an adhesion. There is a more technical term for it, but basically, we had to get some cream to put on it twice a day. Hopefully, this will fix the problem. Lilah did pretty well with her shots and stopped crying once I picked up her up. She will go back again in 2 months!
Funny story about the cream: Brian went to CVS to pick up the cream. The cost was $283 because the insurance didn't approve it. The cream is typicially used by elderly women and they didn't know why it was prescribed for a baby. (Dr. Voyles had warned me about this and not to be worried) The man called the insurance and the cost went down to $40! How insane is that!!!
Hiding Place: Where's Gavin?
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Big Boy Bed
Tonight, we changed Gavin's bed to a big boy bed! He was beyond excited to have a bed like Macie! The first night went well. We only let him have two things in bed with him and he chose his Woody and another baby my mom got him. Let's hope the night goes well over all!
Earth Day
The kids have been asking to go to the zoo again. We had a chance today and it was the perfect day because it is Earth day! It look liked it was going to rain and started sprinkling a bit. Thankfully, the day turned out great and we had a fun time. Aunt Allie came with us. We not only got to see all of the animals, but there were also several things set up for Earth day. The kids planted flowers and cucumbers to bring home. They also got several stickers and were able to see a magician! The main reason that we wanted to go to the zoo was to renew our membership. Now, we are set for the summer!
Straight from the Macie's Mouth
The other day, Macie told me that her leg popped a "little bit" and that it hurt a "little bit". Then said said, "Mommy, do we have bubbles in our legs sometimes?"
Macie is always searching for a birthmark. She wants one like Gavin. Last night, as she was getting dressed, she said, "Mommy, look, I have a birthmark!" She was pointing to her boob. I held back the laughter and told her that it wasn't a birthmark, that it was a part of her body!
Tonight, I was laying in Macie's bed talking to her. I asked her if I was her favorite Mommy and she said "yes". Then, she said, "I want 6 mommies and 6 daddies." I told her that I didn't want that because I wouldn't be her favorite anymore. Then, she said as serious as can be, "you would!"
Macie is always searching for a birthmark. She wants one like Gavin. Last night, as she was getting dressed, she said, "Mommy, look, I have a birthmark!" She was pointing to her boob. I held back the laughter and told her that it wasn't a birthmark, that it was a part of her body!
Tonight, I was laying in Macie's bed talking to her. I asked her if I was her favorite Mommy and she said "yes". Then, she said, "I want 6 mommies and 6 daddies." I told her that I didn't want that because I wouldn't be her favorite anymore. Then, she said as serious as can be, "you would!"
Happy Birthday Aunt Allie
Yesterday, we celebrated Aunt Allie's birthday. Her actual birthday is on Wednesday. We started the day by going to lunch at Cheddars. None of us had been there before and we'd all been wanting to try it. The crazy thing is, that place always has a long wait. We got there before it opened at 10:30 and were able to get seated right away. Everyone loved their food and I'm sure we will be going back again soon! The kids made cards for Aunt Allie and couldn't wait to show them to her. We also got her a huge thing of Nutella and some money so she can go out to eat where she wants. After Cheddars, we took the kids home to take a nap. Brian had to bartend, so the kids and I went to my parents' house for dinner and to hang out. Macie and Gavin had been asking to go to their house because it had been a while. The kids made a cake for Aunt Allie and played. They had a great time. We even had a visit from my great Aunt Judy! Happy Birthday Aunt Allie! We love you!
Lilah's Great-Great-Aunt Judy
My parents got Allie an Edible Arrangement. She's wanted to try one for a long time. It was a yummy addition to dinner!
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