Monday, April 23, 2012


Bed Time:  Last night went relatively well for Gavin's first night in his big boy bed.  We did find him asleep on the floor twice, but other than that he did great!  This morning, he didn't get out of bed until I told him he could get up.  Let's hope he keeps it up!

Gavin Appointments:  Today, I had a meeting at First Steps.  The meeting was to do an re-evaluation.  They were supposed to set up the time for it today, but we couldn't get ahold of the office in Corydon.  Hopefully, I'll hear back soon.  I'm not sure if Gavin will qualify for therapy or not, but we wanted to look into it again.  We were happy to find out that he would be able to have the same therapist.  I also heard back from Dr. Haggstrom's office and they moved up his appointment. We are now going to go back to Indy on May 21st.  I want her to look at him and see what she thinks.  I'm hoping to get some more information.  He also has the ENT appointment in June.  Hopefully, we can figure something out.  I worry so much about that little guy!

Lilah's 4 Month Check Up:  This afternoon, I took Lilah to see Dr. Voyles for her 4 month check up.  She weighs 13 pounds 13 ounces (42nd percentile) and is 24 inches long (28th percentile).  Her percentages pretty much stayed the same from her 2 month appointment.  Dr. Voyles was happy with her progress.  We talked about her eating/sleeping habits and how they are out of whack right now.  We plan to increase her bottles to 6ounces and increase the time inbetween to 4 hours.  Once she adjusts to this schedule, we are going to add veggies.  Dr. V pointed out that the little white bumps on her arms and back were called "milk bumps".  He said they will go away.  There was only one concern from the visit.  When Dr. V looked in her diaper, he noticed that she had an adhesion.  There is a more technical term for it, but basically, we had to get some cream to put on it twice a day.  Hopefully, this will fix the problem.  Lilah did pretty well with her shots and stopped crying once I picked up her up.  She will go back again in 2 months!
Funny story about the cream: Brian went to CVS to pick up the cream.  The cost was $283 because the insurance didn't approve it.  The cream is typicially used by elderly women and they didn't know why it was prescribed for a baby.  (Dr. Voyles had warned me about this and not to be worried)  The man called the insurance and the cost went down to $40!  How insane is that!!!

Hiding Place:  Where's Gavin?

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