Last Thursday, I took Lilah to the doctor because she had a cough. It was a deep, wet cough and it wasn't going away. I was super worried because Gavin had just been in the hospital and I knew she had been exposed to that. Because Dr.
Voyles was on vacation, she saw Dr. Cochran. Of course one of the rare time I have sick kids, they don't get to see their doctor! Oh well, Dr. Cochran was extremely nice and was so good with Lilah. In fact, she loved him and was talking up a storm. Thankfully, he wasn't too concerned. He agreed that I should have brought her in and she had a "bug" that was going around. He thought she was handling it well and that
breast milk was the best medicine. Thankfully, she is doing much better.
That same night, I put her in the swing for the first time. She is only 3 months, but she is so strong! She really liked the swing. I still couldn't get a picture of her smiling. She always has such a serious look on her face. I wonder what is going on in that brain of hers!

I looked over and Lilah was putting her pap back in her mouth. Coincidence or advanced? You decide!

Brave Aunt Allie made a tee for
Macie. She was so excited when she hit the ball. We may have a softball player on our hands!
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