This morning, I took Lilah in to see Dr. Voyles for her 6 month check up. She weighs 18 pounds (80th percentile) and is 25 inches long (20th percentile). Lilah was a happy girl and the visit went well. Her ears looked good and so did her labial adhesion. He said to finish off the antibiotic and hold on to the cream in case we needed it down the road. Dr. V was impressed with how strong Lilah is! He did say that we have to stop feeding her at night and let her cry it out. I know that's what she needs, but it will be easier said than done. The next few nights are going to be rough! The hardest part is that Lilah shares a room with Gavin. Wish us luck! After visiting with Dr. V, Lilah got her shots. Fun, fun! I scheduled her next appointment for a day I have off school. Score! I'm trying to get as many appointments as I can outside of school hours because I always end up missing way too much school.
While I was there with Lilah, I was able to ask a few questions about Gavin. I found out that they got the whole insurance mix up taken care of. I also asked where I should get his lift. Dr. Voyles said to call the rehab center. I did and they said to call Riverside Orthodics. I also asked Miss Melissa, so hopefully we will figure something out soon.
Normally, Tuesdays are Macie's day, but I switched them this week because of Lilah's appointment. We've spent the rest of the day trying to visit my aunt who had surgery and hanging out. I've also made lots of phone calls. Poor Lilah!
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