Saturday, June 23, 2012

Gavin's Day Take 3

Gavin's day started out with therapy as usual.  He was unusually shy though.  It took him a long time to warm up and he wore out quickly.  Miss Melissa decided that next week we should meet at a park.  Maybe that will help him get out of his shell.  After therapy, we headed to Chuck-E-Cheese to meet Parker, Aunt Beth, and Aunt Katie.  It was Parker's first time, so Gavin had to show him around.  He was still a little shy, but the boys had a great time.  We don't get to see Parker very often because he's been so sick so it was great to spend time with him.  After Chuck-E-Cheese, we went to the mall.  I took the boys to the play area while Aunt Katie and Aunt Beth did a little shopping.  Once again, it was Parker's first time.  Our next stop was Pizza Hut for some lunch.  We ate the buffet and it was a yummy lunch.  Gavin ate more than his fair share.  We went home and took a nap.  I slept too because I had a horrible headache.  After Gavin woke up, we went to pick up the girls.  Another great day with my handsome boy!

The boys played this game over and over!

 This was so cute...they rode in this car and Parker grabbed on to Gavin's hand when it started moving

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