Last Friday, my sweet baby had her 10 month birthday! Didn't I just write her 9 month post? It blows my mind! Even though I haven't made a single scrapbook for her, I have started planning her party!
Lilah is still my serious baby, but she is laughing more and more. The other day on the way home, Gavin and Lilah were both giggling. It melted my heart!
She pulls up, lets go, stands for a few seconds before falling down and trying again. She easily transfers from one object to another and cruises along the couch.
She is still loving and trying new foods. She is also getting better with a sippy cup. I plan to introduce milk soon!
She is still a Mama's girl! She wants me all of the time and often cries if I don't hold her.
She loves to swing, put everything in her mouth, play with remotes and cell phones, and gets into everything!
Her gums are super swollen and I know more teeth are about to pop through. She has 8 or 9. This is causing a lot of sleepless nights!
We love you sweet girl!
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