Saturday, October 13th, Macie Lu turned 4! Can you believe that? I've been a parent for four whole years! On the Friday before, Macie was able to take a birthday snack to school. She wanted apple juice, sugar cookies (with purple icing and sprinkles), and grapes. She was so excited. She got a birthday card and hat from Mrs. Wassmer!
As for her birthday, we let her pick a place to go and somewhere to eat. She picked going to the library with the ship (Central library) and Kipplee's. We all went to the library to do puzzles, play with the toys, and check out books and movies. All of the librarians thought that it was so neat that she picked going to the library on her birthday (even over Chuck-E-Cheese!). The cool thing was, the library just so happened to have several science experiments set up for preschoolers. Gavin and Macie both had fun going from station to station playing with the stuff.
After the library, we went to Kipplee's. Macie invited Grandpa (and Grandma and Aunt Allie), because it is his favorite place. I thought that was sweet of her. At lunch, Macie got to open her present from Grandpa and Grandma. She was wound up! When we were done eating, it was time to go home and take naps. Then, the party prep began...
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