Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Fourteen....that's how many teeth my little 13 month old now has!  She was super fussy and clingy and not sleeping well the last day or so.  We've also seen a steady stream of clear snot.  Should have known it, but I was still SHOCKED when Brian found that her top two eye teeth had popped through.  She seriously has a mouth FULL of teeth!  
Looking back, a lot of things now make sense to me.  Lilah was a great sleeper and eater until a little after 3 months.  All of a sudden, she stopped nursing well and hasn't slept very soundly since.  She has been teething since then!  It has been non stop!!  I'd love to get a break for a while, but I doubt that's going to happen.  We still have the bottom eye teeth and I'm sure she will get the 2 year molars in a week or two:)  At least they stop at 20...right?

1 comment:

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Wow! We have 8 at 11.5 months and that is a ton compared to my other two. I can see her working on her molars, too! Poor kiddos!