Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Gavin Day–Take 2

Gavin and I had a fun and busy day together.  We started with a walk (something I’ve been trying to do as much as I can) and then I got ready for the day.  We hung out at home for a bit before going to Red Bank for his program.  I took Gavin there last summer and it really seamed to fit him.  It was kind of crazy because it almost didn’t seem like a whole year had passed.  It was the same “teacher” as last year and Gavin did really well.  He listened well and enjoyed making a worm.  After story time, we had a bit of an incident.  We went to pick out some books and then went to the restroom for like the 3rd time.  He made it to the toilet, but as soon as he sat down, the pee went all over the floor.  There were no paper towels in the bathroom so I was freaking out as to what to do.  I changed his clothes and found a librarian to clean it up.  I was so embarrassed, but what can you do?

After the library, we went to Kid’s Kingdom for a picnic lunch and to play at the park.  Then it was time for nap.  We ended up taking a nap together.  Our last big thing of the day was his OT eval at the rehab center.  It was really interesting to watch him do the evaluation and so nice to watch him do so well.  She was so impressed with him and I have to admit I was, too!  He did great on the evaluation and she didn’t see a need for therapy at this time.  She quickly scored some of the areas and he was scoring around 44 and 48 months of age and he was 40 months at the time of the evaluation.  She will send us a report soon.  She did mention that we may want to have him evaluated every year or two years just to make sure he is still on track.  With his disability and the fact that things are going to change, it can’t hurt.  Gavin and I ended our one-on-one day going to Los Bravos.  Brian and the girls met us there for a nice family dinner!



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