Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gavin’s Day–Take 1

It’s that time again…one on one days!  Last week was the first full week of summer break for me.  The kids have been looking forward to their one on one time for weeks and I’m glad that it is finally here!  Most weeks, Lilah will stay home on Tuesday, Gavin will stay home on Wednesday, and Macie will stay home on Thursday.  The first week, I had to switch Gavin and Lilah because he had an appointment.

We started out the day watching tv and playing at home.  Then, we went for a walk and I pulled him in the wagon.  After that we went to Chuck E Cheese and the mall to play.  There was only one other kid at Chuck E Cheese, so Gavin and I got to dance all by ourselves and he got all of the tickets!  Next up was lunch and nap.  After nap, I took Gavin to Easter Sills for his PT Eval.  He did great and was such a charmer.  She was impressed with how well he listened and did everything she asked.  She did a standardized test once she realized how cooperative he was.  I haven’t gotten the exact results of the test, but they will give us his gross motor age.  She did recommend therapy.  He will start in a few weeks.  He will come once a week for 45 minutes.  There are several things he can do, but needs help to stabilize and make the movements more fluid.  His jump and stair climbing also need a lot of work.  I’m going to try to do more work with him at home again.  Overall, our first one on one day was a success!

*It is so awesome to have two potty trained kids now because we can get up and go without as much planning and packing!


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