Friday, February 5, 2010

Macie and Gavin

Besides Gavin's actual birth, there was one other event we had been anticipating for 9 months... the first time Macie met Gavin. I was anxious/nervous/excited about coming home. I know that having two children 15 months apart is going to be challenging and not seeing Macie all week was difficult for me. I was hoping that she would be happy to see me. On the way home, I told Brian I just wanted to take all of this in and relax as much possible. I'm so glad that we did! Macie couldn't have had a better reaction. She was thrilled to see Brian and I and very intrigued with our newest addition. She took her time checking him out and studying him. She has been nothing but in awe of Gavin. She helped Brian carry him in the door and points to him often.
Macie hasn't seemed jealous of Gavin yet. She has wanted me to hold her, especially when I am nursing Gavin. It is hard because I can't pick her up due to the c-section, but she seems to handle it well. When he cries, she kind of stares at him and backs away slowly. She is a good helper though... bringing us his clothes, burp cloths, and blankets. Today, she even helped Daddy change his diaper. Things are going really well now.... hopefully she will continue to love her little brother!
First look

Of course she found his burp cloth right away!
Look at those pigtails!
She is really checking him out!
This was so sweet! He started sucking on her finger!

She is trying to put Gavin's hat on

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