Our third day in the hospital was a much much calmer day. Tuesday night, my mom stayed with me so Brian could spend some much needed time with Macie. My mom and I had a very relaxing night. Gavin had one fussy period, but overall I fed him and my mom would change him and then he would sleep or be content until the next feeding. We both got some sleep. I couldn't believe how well the night went, especially since he had been circumcised earlier that day. He was able to stay in my room all night except for a short period where they weighed him and did another jaundice test. He had only lost a total of 5% of his body weight and his bilirubin levels were normal so more good news!
Brian worked on Wednesday, so his mom and sister, Katie, spent the day with Gavin and me. Once again, it was a very relaxing day. Gavin was able to stay in the room all day. My dad came by to visit for a bit. The only other visitors we had were my friend Jamie and her friend Tammy. Wednesday night was very much like Tuesday. Gavin had one small fussy period, but overall it was a relaxing night where everyone was able to get some sleep. My milk even came in and he has had no trouble adjusting to the change. We go home later today, so I am hopeful that our nighttime routine stays the same. However, I know anything can happen!!!
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