Thursday night I had some stomach issues, so when I woke up Friday morning I wasn't feel very well. I didn't want to let that slow me down, so we started with the training. Brian put him on the potty for the first time in the morning and let him pick out which undies he was going to wear. Then, Brian was gone. He had to work late again, so it was going to be a long day. Basically, within the first hour, we had two pee spots on our carpet and poop on the bathroom floor. It wasn't even 8 and I was trying to be hopeful. After all, we just started. Surely after a few accidents, he would start to get the hang of it. We spent the majority of the morning in the bathroom. Gavin sat on the potty while we read books, sang songs, and even watched a movie. I brought the laptop in and propped it up on the chair. Macie was a willing participant. She was beyond excited to be the big sister helping her little brother. Hours passed, and no more pee. I put a pull up on for lunch. After lunch, he was still dry, so I put him back on the potty before nap. Guess what....he peed! The only problem was that he didn't have it tucked, so it was everywhere! I was happy and upset at the same time. I gave Gavin an m&m for his efforts, and laid him down for bed. He woke up dry from nap, so we tried the potty again. This time, he peed and pooped in the potty. I was so excited, but I noticed something. Gavin had no idea that he peed. I wasn't surprised that he didn't know what it felt like beforehand, but he honestly had no idea when he was actually peeing. I had to pick him up and look in the potty. Macie even asked, "How come you have to tell him he peed. How come he doesn't know?" I kind of brushed it off at the time, but it did worry me. I gave the kids a bath and then sat Gavin on the potty again. He peed again, but had no idea. I had to look in the toilet and tell him. That is the last time he actually went on the potty. We've tried several times and worked on it some Saturday and Sunday, but nothing really. He also started getting annoyed and aggrivated that he had to sit on the potty for so long.
Not only was I trying to potty train, there were a few other things happening in our house. Brian worked late Thursday and Friday nights. He also worked 5 hours Saturday morning at Brenntag and bartended Saturday night. Basically, he wasn't around much and no help. Lilah also started getting sick again. I noticed she had a fever. The fever was around a 100 and she was a total bear! She also started pulling at her ears again. OH NO! (more about that later) She pretty much screamed all day long, unless I was holding her, and that didn't even always do the trick:( Not to mention, I have a rambuntious three year old who wants to help, but can be a handful herself. I was so overwhelmed, I just wanted to cry.
One of my breaking points was when I was helping Gavin pull down his undies and ended up with a handful of poop. It was also on Macie's arn and Gavin's legs. That is when the doubt set in. Was he really ready for this? Can he feel it when he pees? Does his vascular lesion on his scrotum have anything to do with sensation? Am I overthinking this? Should I keep trying or just give up?
After a few days, we've decided to wait a bit. I'm worried because I really want him potty trained, but I think I'm going to do it at a time when Brian is home! We also want to ask the docs at the vascular lesion clinic if they think there is any medical problems, or if he is just a stubborn boy who isn't ready. Gavin has done pretty much everything at his own pace, so we will just have to see. He isn't quite 2 and a half, so I'll give him another month or two and try again. What a bummer:(
He does look pretty cute in those undies!
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